Anytime Anywhere Learning

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Anytime Anywhere Learning by Mind Map: Anytime Anywhere Learning

1. About

1.1. About the Device

1.2. About the Case

1.3. What is Anytime Anywhere Learning?

1.4. Research and Evaluation

1.5. Vision and Goals

2. FAQ

2.1. Links to all FAQs

2.2. Ask a Question Form (embedded)

3. Curriculum

3.1. 21st Century Learning

3.1.1. Employee

3.1.2. Employee

3.2. Help and Resources

3.2.1. Edmodo

3.2.2. Google Apps for Education

3.2.3. Open Educational Resources

3.3. Digital Citizenship

3.3.1. Advice Videos

3.3.2. Family Media Agreements

3.3.3. Parent Tips

4. I'm a Student

4.1. Get Connected

4.2. Technology Fee

4.3. Middle School

4.3.1. Links to all MS distribution pages

4.4. High School

4.4.1. Links to all HS distribution pages

5. I'm a Parent

5.1. Benefits

5.2. Camp Chromebook for Parents

5.3. Timeline

5.4. Technology Fee

5.5. Help and Resources

5.5.1. Edmodo

5.5.2. Google Apps for Education

5.5.3. Open Educational Resources

6. Privacy

6.1. CCPS Apps and Privacy

6.2. Privacy Policies and Guidelines

6.2.1. School Board Policies

6.2.2. State and Federal Privacy Laws

6.3. Privacy FAQs

6.4. Ask a Question