My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education por Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Politics of Education

1.1. The Liberal Perspective

1.1.1. Focuses on equality for all citizens, no matter their socioeconomic status

1.1.2. Believes the government should provide assistance so everyone can have a fair chance

1.1.3. Important people in history with liberal views: Franklin Delano Roosevelt John Dewey John Maynard Keynes

1.2. Progressive Vision of Education

1.2.1. Belief that schools should progress with time, working to make things better

1.2.2. Education is always changing. Progression must also occur.

2. Sociological Perspectives

2.1. Functional Perspective

2.1.1. Under the functional view, education is more than teaching students information in the given curriculum

2.1.2. Functional theorists view education as a means to teach students about life Students are taught morals Students learn how to behave in society Students are taught how to socialize

2.1.3. Emile Durkheim was a functional theorists He wrote many pieces from a functional prospective He believed that the morals students were taught would determine the society in which they live

3. History of U.S. Education

3.1. The Civil Rights Movement and establishing equal opportunities for all was a very important time in U.S. educational history

3.1.1. NAACP-grouped that worked for the advancement of colored people

3.1.2. W.E.B. DuBois encouraging African American's right to pursue an education in his book The Souls of Black Folk

3.1.3. Plessy vs. Ferguson helped establish "separate but equal"

3.1.4. Brown v. Topeka Board of Education helped establish segregation as unequal and unconstitutional

3.1.5. Brown v. Board of Education legally ended segeregation

3.2. Historical interpretation of U.S. education

3.2.1. The democratic liberal view Supports equal opportunity for all Ellwood Cubberly Merle Curti Lawrence A. Cremin

4. Curriculum and Pedagogy

4.1. Historical Curriculum Theory

4.1.1. Social Meliorist Curriculum Belief that school curriculum should function to teach students to change society Theorists: Harold Rugg George Counts

4.2. Sociological Curriculum Theory

4.2.1. Modern Functionalist Robert Dreeben Talcott Parsons Beliefs that schools should curriculum prepare students for modern society

5. Equality of Opportunity

5.1. Response to the Coleman Study

5.1.1. Performed by James Coleman All students are capable of learning no matter where the school is located Student exam scores are not related to the type of school the student attends Individual race and class is not as important as the makeup of the school population Where the student attends school and the socioeconomic status of the school does not determine the future achievements of the students

5.2. Educational achievement and attainment of women students

5.2.1. Females test scores vs. male test scores Women achieve at reading Women receive lower test scores that males in math and science

5.2.2. More females graduate high school than males

6. Philosophy of Education

6.1. Theory of Essentialism

6.1.1. Back to basics belief about subject matter

6.1.2. Teachers are the head of the classroom, they decide what is best for the students

6.1.3. Rigid curriculum

6.1.4. Goal of education is for students to attain academic knowledge, discipline, and good morals

6.1.5. Teachers are put into the classroom to provide good examples of what a model citizen should be

6.1.6. Nature of the curriculum is to provide essential knowledge needed to prepare student for the future

7. Schools as Organizations

7.1. Alabama State Dept. of Education

7.1.1. State Level Superintendent: Tommy Bice State Senators House of Representatives

7.1.2. Local Level Superintendent: Anthony Olivis Board Members: Thomas Burgess, Linda Evans Carrie Mitchell, Mary More, Nancy Parker, Ricky Saint

8. Educational Inequality

8.1. School centered explanation for inequality

8.1.1. Quality of resources

8.1.2. School budgets Some schools do not receive the funds needed to provide the desired education

8.1.3. Climate of the school and the learning environmet

8.1.4. Grouping the students based on knowledge or ability to learn

8.2. Sociological explanation for inequality

8.2.1. Family background

8.2.2. Race

8.2.3. Differentation of class and socioeconomic status

8.2.4. Location of the school Public vs. private school Some locations have better resources and teachers

9. Educational Reform

9.1. School based reform

9.1.1. School choice There should be a freedom to choose the type of school to attend This choice should be based upon the district in which the student lives Terry M. Moe, Politics, Markets, and America's Schools (1990) Pro unregulated school choice

9.2. Economic reform

9.2.1. More funding distributed to poorer schools

9.2.2. Preschool -education fo 3 & 4 year olds

9.2.3. Correction of code violations in schools

9.2.4. Supplemental services provided to households