What is technology?

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What is technology? by Mind Map: What is technology?

1. What I thought technology was before.

2. Before I took this class, I always viewed technology as what was the newest and greatest thing that is or has been invented? I've seen many things evolve in my life from computers, to cell phones, to game consoles, and even the internet. Yes, once upon a time there was no internet when I was in elementary school so after starting at Sheridan College in fall of 2015, this whole online class was very new to me and very overwhelming. I still like to communicate what I consider the old way, by picking up my phone and calling people instead of sending a text message. I remember when people first started texting and some of my friends had no idea what it even was or how we used to T9 text. Now I'd probably struggle trying to T9 text.

3. In a way, I feel I have experienced a few of the things that Friedal, Dyer, and Key have discussed. I've experienced the big "brick Zack Morris" style cell phone, to a flip phone, to a touch keypad to a complete full touch screen phone.

4. I think technology is multiple ways of communicating by being able to video call and Skype with friends and family who live far away. It has made people such as myself grow closer to family and friends by allowing us to see each other with the use of technology. So according to Kelly, I have seen many things invented after I was born.

5. What I think technology is now.

6. "Technology is anything invented after you were born."(Kelly, 2008)

7. Friedel was always testing different ingredients in his spaghetti sauce, just like technology, his sauce was always evolving. "I alter the design, I test the result, and I may then make changes in my long-term construction of spaghetti sauce. " (Friedel, 2002)

8. "Technology as social usage...The simultaneous actions of 45 people forming an orchestra are also a kind of technology that binds together instruments, people, and music." (Dyer, 2009)

9. I decided to use the mind map because I thought it was interesting and I knew it would be a challenge for me. For about 2 minutes I had a panic attack while making this because my laptop is a touch screen and as I was touching the tabs at the top of the screen I accidentally closed the program. Thankfully, technology saved my life because I had an account created and I was able to pull up what I had been working on.

10. References

11. Dyer, J. (2009, December 27). Defining the word technology... four times. Don't eat the fruit. Retrieved from: http://donteatthefruit.com/2009/12/defining-the-word-%E2%80%9Ctechnology%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%A6-four-times/

12. Ted talks. (2010,February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. Retreived from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4&feature=youtu.be

13. Friedel, R. (2002). Food for thought. Technology and culture. Retrieved from: http://search.proquest.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/docview/198434211?accountid=3455&

14. "...technology is an activity that involves the making of things" (Anonymous, 2000)

15. Anonymous. (2000, April 13). What is technology? Far eastern economic review. Retrieved from: http://search.proquest.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/docview/208238510