Differentiation in Lesson Planning Objective: After the co...

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Differentiation in Lesson Planning Objective: After the completion of the lesson students should be able to explain the periodic trend of the properties and able to compare the properties of the elements. by Mind Map: Differentiation in Lesson Planning                                        Objective: After the completion of the lesson students should be able to explain the periodic trend of the properties and able to compare the properties of the elements.

1. Differentiation based on Learning Profile

1.1. ELL : They lacks vocabulary and listening or speaking skills.

1.1.1. Differentiation Strategies for ELL: Provide list of vocabulary in advance. Make a vocabulary list of atomic size, ionization energy, electronegativity, electron affinity, valence electron Encourage the use of dictionary and translator in the classroom. Use of dictionary and translator might make it easier for these learners. Learners understand it better in the first language. Use graphing organizer and visual aids Use of colored periodic table and periodic table with arrow showing the increasing trend of properties are useful or info-graphing using piktochart can be used. The less use of the word is effective for these type of learners. Use whole brain learning strategies. Use of hand movement and gesture is very effective. When you explain atomic size decreased across the periodic you can indicate bigger to small moving you hand left to right. This kind and body movement or gesture are pretty explanatory for learners struggling with language.

1.2. Dyslexic: They lack coordination between left and right brain.

1.2.1. Differentiation Strategies for Dyslexic: Use audio aids Audio record the lesson and make the podcast so that they can use them. Keep these learners close to you so that you can ask them to remain on task. This way you can keep eyes on them and help immediately. Make instruction simple and follow the trend of the pattern. Make it less wordy and use graphing organizer. Allow them to use video lesson and make online quiz and computer based test Online quiz and computer based test reduces the stress of writing so that they can focus more on content.

2. Importance of Identifying the level of differentiation.

2.1. Today's classroom is diverse. With idea of inclusive classroom, a wide range students in different aspect are learning in the same class. Having a common instruction strategy does not meet the need of each individual in the same classroom. In this heterogeneous class, an educator must implement differentiated instruction and assessment strategy to optimize the learning process. recognizing the need of learner and implementing suitable approach is essential in order to differentiate the learning experience for learners.

2.1.1. How

2.2. How does instructor learn about learning profile, interest and readiness?

2.2.1. Differentiation is an effective learning strategies or tool of the instructor to address the need of every single learner in the classroom. The instructor should get he information about the students in the class from counselor and special education teacher as well as teacher from preceding class. Teachers can also run a survey about what and how the learners want their lesson using survey monkey or other types of program. With the help of formative assessments we know more about the students. Teachers should try to identify the learners readiness, interest or level of learning profile as early as possible.

2.3. Summary

2.3.1. Use of different strategies is very important. Identifying what suits the learners' learning style and interest keep them actively involved in the learning process.

3. Differentiation based on Readiness

3.1. Low performing Learners: These learners need some scaffolding strategies to master the learning objectives.

3.1.1. Differentiation Strategy for Low Performing Learners: Use graphing organizer In the graphing organizer one can write step by step strategy of finding position of element and periodic trend of the elements and comparing the properties of the elements. Use visual aids visual aids like arrows in the periodic table to show increasing trend of the properties are useful for these learner. Accommodate modified assessment strategies. Interview test, allowing cheat sheet are some strategy. Give multiple opportunity to show their understanding of knowledge. Allowing them to make flip-snack or presentation are suitable strategy to check their understanding of subject knowledge.

3.2. High performing Learners: These learners can work independently.

3.2.1. Differentiation Strategy for High Performing Learners: Use the EDpuzzle with questions Use You tube or other video lesson add you questions to it. These learners can use the EDpuzzle video lesson and work indepedently Ask them to make Quizlet, which can be used by other learners. They can make Quizlet for terminology ionization energy, electronegativity, valence electrons etc. They can also be made in-charge of small learning group where they can run peer to peer teaching session. These learners can work in smaller group to help their classmate to understand the concept.

4. Differentiation based on Interest

4.1. Visual Learners: These learners prefer visual aids rather than lecture

4.1.1. Differentiation Strategy for Visual Learner: Coloring the blank periodic table activities. Coloring the metals and non-metals end of the periodic table with different color is very effective. They can draw arrows in the periodic table to indicate increasing trend of the properties. Using arrow to show the gradual increase of the properties of the element is good way learn about periodic trend for these kind of learners. They can watch You tube video about the periodic trend of the properties of elements. Watching Video lesson full of animation is another good approach. They can make poster or info-graph or Prezi for summative assessment. Info-graph or Prezi explicitly showing the periodic trend is good way to show their understanding.

4.2. Analytical Learners: These learners are interested in challenging and application of chemistry.

4.2.1. Differentiation Strategy for Analytical Learners: They can develop the pattern of periodic trend based on the electronic configuration. These learner can explain how elements are arranged in the periodic table and their relationship with the trend of the properties. Form a small discussion group to analyze the pattern of the periodic trend. Analysis of the properties and electronic configuration in a small group discussion a powerful way to foster their understanding. Use a challenging worksheet to extend their knowledge. The challenging worksheet regarding the periodic trend and comparing the properties of the elements is suitable for these learners.