Traveling Munich, Germany

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Traveling Munich, Germany by Mind Map: Traveling Munich, Germany

1. About

1.1. The About page will provide more detail about traveling Munich, and a brief history of it.

1.2. Topic: Video or Animation: I will create a video of all my photos form my trip displaying all the places I went and the things I experienced.

2. Contact

2.1. The contact page will give basic information so that visitors to the site can contact me with any questions.

2.2. Topic: QR Codes: I will add a QR code so people can access my site with their QR code readers.

2.3. Topic: Canva Design: My contact information will be up on this page so people can email me or call me for help or travel information.

3. Home

3.1. The home page gives a brief overview of Munich, Germany. It will have the most important information and pictures to grab the viewer's attention.

3.2. Topic: Digital Photo Editing and Logos- my specialized logo will be on this page that I made using photo editing.

3.3. Tagline: Create a vision for the viewers of my website to take advantage of traveling and see the world.

4. German Food

4.1. Germany is known for beer, pretzels, and Wienerschnitzel.

4.1.1. Topic: Infographics- I will provide an info graphic displaying the different kinds of food and drinks in Munich.

5. What to do in Munich?

5.1. This page will be an array of pictures that I took myself in Munich this past summer. I will give you a list of places to go and see!

6. Social Media Icons

6.1. This is a page that I want to conduct a survey for people to fill out after they have visited my website.

6.2. Topic: Google Form, App design, social media- a registration form will be here for new members to join, and have easy access to the website.

7. Screencast

7.1. I will make a screencast presentation on Munich and the website navigation.