Live Life Right (ASU Edition)

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Live Life Right (ASU Edition) by Mind Map: Live Life Right (ASU Edition)

1. Contact

1.1. There will be an "Ask Brett" section under the contact page where students can contact me with questions or concerns they may have. I will provide advice to students who need it.

1.1.1. Google Form: This will be how students can contact me asking questions and will allow me to assess vistors and adapt the website to fit their needs.

1.1.2. Social Media: I will create an Instagram page that will post Living Life Right tips, positive quotes, pictures, and healthy food.

2. Home

2.1. The home page will be an introduction to the website. It will include a brief overview of the website and what it contains. There will be pictures and designs that will grab the viewer's attention.

2.1.1. Logo: I will display my website's logo on multiple pages including the home page.

2.1.2. Digital Photo Editing: I will put my edited photos on multiple pages including the home page.

2.1.3. Screencast: My screencast will be on my home page. It will show visitors how to navigate through the website.

3. About

3.1. This page will explain who I am and why I think the tips on this page are important. I will explain my personal experience and how these resources have benefitted me.

3.1.1. Graphic Design/QR Code: The about page will display a flyer promoting my website and a list of tips about staying healthy.

4. Eating Healthy

4.1. This page will include my "In The Dorm Recipes" that are healthy, easy, and tasty. I will also provide information regarding grocery stores that deliver for a small fee.

4.1.1. Video or Animation: I will generate an animation explains the benefits of eating right and the negatives to eating poorly. I will include the simple dorm recipes in the animation.

4.1.2. App Prototype: I will create an app where students can order groceries online and have them delivered. People will be able to sign up to be a grocery delivery employee.

5. Exercises

5.1. This page will have a list of yoga/pilates exercises that are easy to do anywhere. I will also provide tips on easy ways to get exercise throughout the school day. I will also explain how physical health can greatly impact mental health.

5.1.1. Infographic: I will create an infographic that shows different yoga/pilates poses and the benefits of it.

6. Resources

6.1. This page will include the information for the Health Services Center, on Campus Counseling Center, and I will put my recommendations for other available resources.