Dancer - Perl web-framework

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Dancer - Perl web-framework by Mind Map: Dancer - Perl web-framework

1. sounds similar to Python metaclasses meets Ruby mix-ins

2. About

2.1. Sawyer X

2.2. Sys Admin

2.3. Conributer to Dancer

3. Comparison to other frameworks

3.1. Ruby

3.1.1. the fanboys

3.2. Python

3.2.1. the sticklers Email REST

3.3. PHP

3.3.1. the @#@^%#$@^

3.4. Perl

3.4.1. the nutcases not LISP insane insanity is a lot of fun omsamoty gives flexibility see

4. Dancer

4.1. inspired by Sinatra

5. Dancer treats

5.1. Read & Write easy

5.2. Route-based

5.3. PSGI compliant (Perl's WSGI)

5.4. Minimum dependencies

5.5. Any app is a web-server

5.6. CPAN-friendly

5.6.1. Perl's PyPi

5.6.2. Compliant to the standards of CPAN testing &c

6. Recipe for Dancinh

6.1. Take HTTP method

6.2. add route

6.3. sub-routine

6.4. Untitled

7. Pathes

7.1. can contain variables

7.1.1. get '/hello/:entity/'

7.1.2. get gr{/ (\w+) / \d{2,3} (.+)? }x

7.2. Can be RegEx

8. Templating

8.1. conventions

8.1.1. file extension (.tt)

8.2. Untitled

9. nifty stuff

9.1. headers

9.2. send_file

9.3. set_cookie

9.4. status

9.4.1. by name

9.5. to_json, to_xml

9.6. my $file = upload('file_input')

9.7. Untitled

10. Perl philosophy

10.1. succint, efficient, & easy to work with

10.2. daring

10.2.1. route caching

10.2.2. WebSockets

10.3. lots of plug-ins

10.3.1. engines for sessions back-ends logging templates

10.4. serializers

10.5. Route filters

10.5.1. before, after, before_template

10.5.2. like middleware

11. Route caching

11.1. caching for the URL resolving

11.1.1. key is the URL used

11.2. SawyerX added Route Caching to Dancer in 4 hours

11.2.1. 1st thing he contributed

12. Plugins

12.1. SiteMap

12.2. Authorize

12.3. Ajax

12.3.1. instead of the HTTP method

12.4. DBIC

12.4.1. ORM

12.5. Database

13. Bottom line

13.1. Beautiful & fun