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Day one. ULearn 2010 создатель Mind Map: Day one. ULearn 2010

1. Lee Crockett

1.1. http://www.infosavvygroup.com/presentations_digital_trends.cfm

1.2. digital trends & 21st century learners

2. E portfolios

2.1. Mahara

2.1.1. different types of portfolios. showcase portfolio, all work portfolio

2.1.2. create, collect, organise, share and network

2.1.3. http://demo.mahara.org/

2.1.4. rss feeds of blogs and wikis

2.1.5. bit.ly/mel-nz taster sessions

2.1.6. New node

2.2. myportfolio.school.nz

2.2.1. leonardt

2.2.2. changeme1

3. Steve Wheeler

3.1. any teacher who can be repleaced by a computer....should? Althur C Clarke

3.2. teachable moments

3.2.1. New node