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Parachute Design by Mind Map: Parachute Design

1. Band Width

1.1. Affects stability

2. Design and Test

2.1. Diameter

2.1.1. Affects drag

2.2. Material Thickness

2.2.1. Affects strength and volume

3. Material

3.1. Nylon

3.2. Kevlar

4. Gore

4.1. 4

4.1.1. 90 deg

4.2. 6

4.2.1. 60 deg

4.3. 8

4.3.1. 45 deg

5. Requirements

5.1. Volume

5.2. Drag

5.3. Strength

5.4. Stability

6. Shape

6.1. Square

6.2. Hemisphere

6.3. Elliptical