Civil War Project

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Civil War Project by Mind Map: Civil War Project

1. Civil War

1.1. This occurred April 12, 1861 and ended May 9, 1865

1.2. The reason why many people think the civil war started was because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

1.3. One number one issue was where slavery was put and political control

1.4. The most important people during this time were Abraham Lincoln

1.4.1. Abraham Lincoln

1.4.2. Jefferson Davis

1.4.3. Robert E. Lee

1.4.4. Ulysses S. Grant

1.4.5. Harriet Beecher Stowe

1.5. The Homestead Act was were the federal law gave around 160 acres only to citizens so they could do sharecropping with others

1.6. In the civil war more Americans died than all the wars combined. The civil war effected the nations because they were torn apart. Another effect was that they had Reconstruction

1.7. Interesting Facts:

1.7.1. 1. One of out three soldiers were immigrants and one out of 10 were black.

1.7.2. 2. More men died in the civil war than any other American conflict. It was 2% of the U.S. population.

1.7.3. 3. 20 years later the national divorce rate went up 150%

1.7.4. 4. From 1861 to 1865, the number of orphans in the U.S. doubled

2. Types of Writing

2.1. Realism: a theory of writing in which the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is.

2.2. Naturalism: a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail.

2.3. Romanticism: movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual.

2.3.1. It was most popular from 1800 to 1850. It lost its peak in the 19th century. It became unpopular because at this time it was during the civil war and someone people had lost their lives. Therefore people didn't want to write about nature and being idealistic. They wanted to write about something that was real.

2.4. Local Color Writing: fiction and poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features particular to a specific region.

3. Literature

3.1. During the Civil War,Romancticism was a popular Genre used in Literature.

3.2. Some social issues during this time were Slavery, taking in Family Business, and were being used in manual labor. Political issues were states werent giving goverment money, some states were making their own army and the goverment eventually became really weak.

3.2.1. Social issues during the time: the taking over family businesses, many died, problems with teaches and nurses, many used for manual labor. Political issues during the time were that the states didnt reallly give money to the government, states set up their own army, making the federal government very weak. Herman Melville, Frank Moore, Carrie Bell Sinclair, Mary Bell, Anna Payre, and Hamming Billings who all were key writers and wrote many poems during the civil war, writing about things going on during this time. Some major themes in literature during the Civil War were Slavery, war stories, death and much more brutal poems and books of events happening during the Civil war.

4. Mark Twain

4.1. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

4.2. A, Born on on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri.

4.3. B, He got his name from his days as a river pilot, and which is river terms that means two fathoms.

4.4. C.He found employment as an apprentice printer at the Hannibal Courier, which paid him with a meager ration of food.Later on he got a job as a printer and occasional writer and editor at the Hannibal Western Union, a little newspaper owned by his brother, Orion. He began learning the art of piloting a steamboat on the Mississippi.

4.4.1. D. Mark Twain was not for slavery, even thought when he was young, he had been told that it was approved by god, but he had seen many crulties take place as a kid, and would later talk about it as he grew older, one of which was the death of an a slave who was drowned because a friend of mark gave him food. E. Mark Twain wrote the kind of literature which goes by the name of Realism, which is basically, literature that gives you a basic look into how life was back in the time the book is set or written, usually through the perspective of the lower or middle class, regular folk. F. Mark twain was born two months premature, Huckleberry Finn was based off a boy Mark knew as kid named Tom Bankenship. He has no direct descendants