Here Kitty, Kitty

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Here Kitty, Kitty by Mind Map: Here Kitty, Kitty

1. Tagline: All things cat, all the time.

2. Adoptions

2.1. This page will feature websites and information on various cat adoption agencies in Arizona and around the U.S.. They will primarily focus on AZ but will feature organizations that run on a global scale. I will give a brief overview of the site and their mission.

2.1.1. Infographics: I will show different statistics demonstrating the benefits of adopting and how many cats need rescuing.

3. Breeders

3.1. The breeder page will feature popular cat breeders for specific cat breeds. Based on whatever breed the visitor is looking for, they can find a breed and go through a list of breeders. It will have their websites and a brief overview of the website/breeder.

4. Cat of the Week

4.1. This page will feature a new cat every week. The visitor will be able to learn a ton of new information on the cat and view pictures and/or watch videos featuring this cat. I can also list popular breeders for the breed.

4.1.1. Infographics: I will show different statistics pertaining to the cat of the week.

4.1.2. Photo Editing: I will enhance any necessary photos used to display the cat of the week.

4.1.3. Video/Animation: Videos of the cat of the week will be featured on this page.

4.1.4. Apps: I will create an app where users will be updated each week with the cat of the week and have access to information on the COTW.

5. The Cat's Pajamas

5.1. This page will feature popular, borderline famous cat things. Cats such as Lil' Bubb, Grumpy Cat, Pusheen serve as a good example and will definitely be featured. Also, highly viewed/popular cat videos.

5.1.1. Video/Animation: This page will primarily feature popular cat videos.

5.1.2. Social Media: Various social media pages for popular cat or animal accounts will be available for visitors to view.

6. Home

6.1. On the home page, visitors will have their attention grabbed with organized, yet interesting and creative pictures. The most important information of the website will be on the home page and there will also be a brief overview of the website.

6.1.1. Graphic Design: This page will feature a flyer/poster for the website. Others will be able to view the poster or send it to their many, many friends.

6.1.2. Screencast: I will create a screencast displaying how to use different pages on the site and features that the user may not know about.

7. About

7.1. The about page will feature information on me, the site creator. The information would mostly be relevant to the site (favorite breeds, my own cat, etc.) but will also contain my hopes and goals for the site.

7.1.1. Photo Editing: I will enhance any photos I use of myself or my cat on the page.

8. Contact

8.1. The contact page will mostly serve a suggestions page. It will have my email so visitors can contact me with any questions or comments or personal cat stories. They can also give me suggestions on things they would like to see on the site or things that I could improve.

8.1.1. Google Forms: Visitors will be able to leave me comments, questions, suggestions and stories.

9. Festive Felines

9.1. With each upcoming holiday, this page will be updated with cats dressed up or enjoying the holiday spirit. These can be pictures or videos and other forms of media.

9.1.1. Photo Editing: I will fix or enhance photos of cats in the holiday spirit. I can also photoshop festive items into cat photos.

9.1.2. Video/Animation: Videos of cats in their festiveness will be featured on this page.