Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking by Mind Map: Critical Thinking

1. #1: Interpretation: Ability to understand the information you are being presented with and being able to communicate the meaning of that information to others.

2. Skills

3. #2: Analysis: ability to connect pieces of information together in order to determine what the intended meaning of the information was meant to represent.

4. #3 Inference: Ability to understand and recognize what elements you will need in order to determine an accurate conclusion or hypothesis from the information you have at your disposal.

5. #4: Evaluation: Being able to evaluate the credibility of statements or descriptions of a person’s experience, judgment or opinion in order to measure the validity of the information being presented.

6. #5: Explanation: ability to not only restate information, but add clarity and perspective to the information, so it can be fully understood by anyone you are sharing it with.

7. #6: Self-Regulation: Having the awareness of your own thinking abilities and the elements that you are using to find results.

8. Ipad, Chromebook, ShowMe, ScreenChomp, Stop Motion, Smartboard.

9. Critical thinking, activists happen when students analyze and evaluate evidence, argument, claims and beliefs from which they can learn how to make judgements, decisions based on other's point of view, interpret information and draw conclusion.

10. Definition

11. Tools

12. ISTE standards for critical thinking