2016 Recruiting Department Goals

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2016 Recruiting Department Goals por Mind Map: 2016 Recruiting Department Goals

1. Improve Metrics

1.1. TTF (Goal - 30 days or less)

1.1.1. Get Quality Candidates Faster & Manage Reqs Quicker How? Referrals, SM/SEO Tactics, What Works Best for Which Region, Advertising Management , Property Recruiting, Talent Pool Management (Focus on 2nd Best Candidate), More Push for Promoting From Within, More Communication w/ HMs During Recruiting/Hiring Process (Use New Tactics, i.e. Google Docs)

1.2. Turnover (Goal - 25% or lower)

1.2.1. Hire Candidates That Are Best for Venterra How? Focus On Candidates From Top Sources-New Hires By Position/Property/Region, Create Branding Tactics That Bring in Audience That Are Quality Candidates for Venterra, Continue to Monitor CFI Process (See If Any Improvements Are Needed), Push EE Referrals, See If AQ Profile Will Be Good for Venterra's Recruiting/Hiring Process

1.3. Hiring Success (Goal - 85% or higher)

1.3.1. Hire The Right Culture Fit & Provide Great Employee Experience How? Monitor NEO Survey (Make Changes to Recruiting/Hiring Process If Needed), Focus on Candidates From Top Sources-New Hires By Position/Property/Region, Create Branding Tactics That Bring In Audience That Are Quality Candidates for Venterra, Continue to Monitor CFI Process (See If Any Improvements Are Needed), Create Good Pre-Onboarding Experience (Work w/ Hiring Managers On This), 2-Week Follow Up-New Hires At Challenging Properties, Keep Regionals Informed (Quality of People-Data Points), Use Exit Survey/Company Survey/Glassdoor Survey Results to Improve EE Experience

1.4. Analytics (Goal - Use Reporting Best for Venterra)

1.4.1. What Current Reports Are Working & What New Ones We Can Implement How? Decide What Current Reports Are Best in Structure & Do Viewers Really Take Info to Value, Research New Reports (Reporting Services) That Are Cost Efficient (i.e., Lower Level Reporting Dash-Less Money) & Would Be Good for Venterra, Get New Reporting Tactics from Recruiting Trends Findings and Conferences

2. Improve Referral Programs

2.1. Employee Referral - Goal is 40% of Hires

2.1.1. How? Revamp MAD Email, Promote EE Referral Cards (Email & Leadership Conf.), Create Contest, Create Yammer Announcement for Referring Employees, Track Hiring Success of EE Referral Hires-discuss w/ Regionals on How Effective The Program Is for Venterra

2.2. External Referral - Goal is 3% of Hires

2.2.1. How? Push Out More to Talent Pool - Monthly Basis (vs. Quarterly), Announce Referrals via Career Site Blog, Create New Ads for SM Sites, Publish Blog on Linked In, Add Info to Email Signature; Get More Involvement from Vendors By Sending Out Monthly Email About Openings to All Vendors

3. Leverage Company Recognition Awards

3.1. Glassdoor (Goal - Attract Candidates from 2016 BPTW Win, Make Eligibility & Win BPTW 2017)

3.1.1. How? Continue Advertising for Winning BPTW 2016 (GD Blogs, GD Shirt for all 2016 Employees, Including New Hires, SM Ads, Careers Site, Yammer, Screens), Monitor Increase of Candidates from GD site since 2016 BPTW Win (Track Hires Too), Monitor the Amount of GD Reviews, Monitor New Features to GD and Its Awards (Do We Qualify For Other Awards?), F/U on Renewal Process

3.2. Great Places To Work (Goal - Win GPTW)

3.2.1. How? Create Detailed Timeline of Culture Fit Audit (Start-Finish) & Survey Roll Out to Employees, Manage The Completion Process & Stay Connected w/ Account Rep for New Features, Changes, Etc.

3.3. Top Workplaces (Goal - Attract Candidates from Former Wins-Houston 2015 & Future Wins, Win in All Qualified Regions, Increase Branding by Marketing Wins)

3.3.1. How? Continue Advertising for Winning TW-Houston and future Region Winners (Careers Site, Blogs, SM Ads, Yammer, Screens, Participate in Top Workplaces Events, Order Community Plaques to Display, Individual Gifts, Email Signature), Monitor New Features to TW and Its Awards (Can We Win Subsidiary Awards?), Create Detailed Timeline of Process (Start-Finish) & Survey Roll Out to Employees, Manage The Completion Process & Stay Connected w/ Account Rep for New Features, Changes, Etc.

4. Improve Branding/Advertising

4.1. Candidate Experience (Goal - Receive More Positive Reviews on Recruiting Process (esp. After Offer), Gain More Applicants from Referrals, Provide Successful Charity Service for Ones Not a Fit for Venterra)

4.1.1. How? Develop Brand New External Leasing Webinar (Administer on a Monthly Basis), Get Better Faster w/ Improvements To Taleo on CS (Take Off Front Jobs Page, Etc.), Manage Reqs w/ Heavy Involvement w/ Hiring Managers (Speed Up Process), Monitor Interview Reviews on Glassdoor (Makes Changes To Process If Needed), More Communication w/ Talent Pool & Continue To Build Amount of Candidates in Pool, Create Interactive Careers Site Where Candidates Can Converse More

4.2. Careers Site (Goal - What Does Venterra's Audience Really Like to View & Attract More To Want To Work for Us)

4.2.1. How? Research Our Top Blogs (Traffic) By Word Press Analytics, Create More Blogs That Have Subjects Similar To Most Popular Venterra Postings, Continue to Check for SEO Updates & Use in Blogs, Create FAQ Page, Create Candidate Experience Blogs

4.3. Yammer (Goal - Create Recruiting Site That Attracts Employees to View and Interact on a Daily Basis, Help Promote & Increase Referrals/Promotions/Awareness to Venterra's Job Openings/Awareness to Using Social Media to Recruit)

4.3.1. How? Create Recruiting Site, on Yammer, Include EE Referral Info & Updates, Update New Job Openings Once the Position Opens, Include Methods on How Employees Can Spread the Word on Venterra's Greatness Via Social Media, Submit Career Fair Info So Employees Can Spread the Word

4.4. Advertising Partnerships (Goal - Partner w/Ones That Have Brought in New Hires That Have Good Hiring Success & To Reduce Cost)

4.4.1. How? Currently Have Paid Partnerships w/Most Successful for Venterra, Will Monitor Current Partnerships and Make Changes Where Fit, Research New Advertising Services That Would Be a Fit for Venterra

5. Get Better Candidates Faster - Tough Markets

5.1. Florida Region (Goal - Have Qualified Candidates Ready to Submit for New Openings; Within 2-3 Business Days)

5.1.1. How? Order Every Property Banner/Bandit Signs to Use Every Time a Position Opens, Build Talent Pool in Florida Market/Always Ask for 2nd Best, Push External Leasing Webinar to Florida Market, Research City Career Fairs Where Venterra Can Participate, Always Send Message to Venterra About Relocation Opportunity for Hard to Fill Florida Openings, Get Hiring Managers Involved w/SM Postings, Push Referrals (May Increase Payout), Include Sign On Bonus for Hard to Fill Florida Openings

5.1.2. Acquisitions (Goal - Have Qualified Candidates Ready to Submit for New Openings; Within 2-3 Business Days) How? Get Current Venterra Sister Properties Involved Right Away (Referrals, Who Do They Know, What's The Comps to Call), Get Hiring Managers Involved w/SM Postings, Push Referrals (May Increase Payout), Manage Requisitions Where We May Need to Hire Before Closing (to Get Quality Candidates), Include Sign On Bonus for Acquisition Openings, Yammer Messages for Employee Referrals & Possible EE Relocation

6. Focus on Social Media/SEO

6.1. Social Media (Goal - Use Best Sites for Venterra; Which Ones Attract Quality Candidates, Have The Best Response Rate, Best for Industry/Region/Position & Bring In Quality Candidates)

6.1.1. How? Research Trends (Which Sites Are Best To Use for Recruiting for Venterra), Attend SM Seminars to Learn New Methods, Create Instructions on How HMs Can Use Social Media to Recruit/Advertise, Send Messages Via Yammer to Promote Social Media Job Posts/Shares/Likes, Research Latest & Greatest Sites to See If They Are a Fit for Venterra, Stay Updated w/Popular Sites' New Features (FB, LI, Twitter), Monitor How Many Select Source Dealing w/ SM Sites

6.2. SEO (Goal - Use Methods That Bring in Applicants to Venterra; Stop Using Methods That Don't Work; Bring in Quality Candidates)

6.2.1. How? Monitor Updates on Keywords & Links on a quarterly basis, Continue to Use Buzzusomo for SEO Heightened Articles to Post on Our Careers Site, Research SEO Training/Webinars/New Features to Participate, Monitor How Manager Select Google Search Source & Are We Getting Hires From That Source, See If Careers Site Material Is Receiving Higher Volume of Viewers Based on SEO (Look at Word Press Analytics & Google Analytics)