The thought
by Anna Bromely
1. The real world Made of objects that change and interact with each other. Thoughts are eternal however, the thought never changes. It is true if true and false if false. (The trees has green leaves at t1) True and the opposite is false. Frege makes it clear that what is needed on the end is 'right now'.
2. Thoughts act by being apprehended and taken to be true. It is a process of the inner world of a speaker. Can have further consequences and move the will. Our actions are usually prepared by thinking and judgement. 2 main question: 1)How does an idea express a particular thought? What connects thought and idea? 2)How does thought enter into the causal explanation of human behaviour. Frege argues that thought is no physical thing. Chemical changes in brain, strings of sound, ink marks of pen are not thoughts they express thoughts. This is problem with studying thought as natural science. Science concerned with measurable features of thought - not what the events express.
3. Central question for the philosophy of psychology. How can thought fit into a scientific understanding of human psychology? -Some philosophers say it cannot, must be understood in terms of physiology of brains. -Human language must be understood as syntax (how symbols are connected) rather than expression (semantics) Fitting thought into a scientific picture is profoundly difficult.
4. Frege - thought "I call a thought something for which the question of truth arises' (292) A thought is: -Something that can be true or false -Immaterial -Not perceptible
5. Frege - Sentence An indicative sentence expresses thought. Frege distinguishes between the content of thought and its actual assertion. In addition to content and assertion there can also be certain moods to sentences. The thought is only concerned with what is true/false The thought is not necessarily identical with what is in your mind when you think (e.g. sheila is tall) - we differ in what we have in our minds but we're having the same thought
6. Frege - Ideas Ideas are what are in your mind - sense-impressions, creations of imagination, sensations, feelings, moods, inclinations, wishes, decisions. Ideas are had - belong to content of consciousness Ideas need a bearer - they are somebody's idea No 2 people have the same idea Frege denies that thoughts can be ideas 2 possibilites: 1)My thought that 2+2=4 is the same thing that somebody else has in her mind - then it can't be an idea 2)My thought that 2+2=4 is different from what anyone else thinks, then it can be an idea, but the notion of truth and falsity means that objective science has been destroyed. He therefore concludes that thoughts cannot be ideas "Thought belongs neither to my inner world as an idea nor yet to the outer world of material, perceptible things. It is odd to call the thought 'real'.