1. How does Aristotle differ from Plato and Socrates??
1.1. -He is a scientific and practical thinker.
1.1.1. -He does not believe in the world of forms, but thinks that everything that we can understand are the things that we can touch. -He creates and applies a scentific model to philisophical investigation.
2. Aristotle's Biology.
2.1. -In his, "Metaphysics" he staets that, "All men by nature have a desire to know. An example is the delight we take in our senses"
2.1.1. -He beleives that nature does nothing by chance. we have been given senses to use them to understand the world. -For Aristotle, to engage the problem of knowledge, we must begin with our senses.
3. How do our senses differ from other animals??
3.1. -All forms of life have nutrition, reproduction, and locomotive.
3.1.1. -Animals differ by moving the power of sensation and preception. -More complex animals have intellectual power. (problem solving abiltiy) -Aristotle argues that humans have a special intellectual power called REASON, which is the ablity to comprehend universals.
4. What is a technological system?
4.1. -He believed that everything that exists in this world has cause. he provides 4 cases:
4.1.1. -The material cause: the material form wich everything is made. -Formal cause: the shape or form a thing must take in order to be reconginzed. -Efficiant cause: the actual force used to make things.