Categories of Disability

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Categories of Disability by Mind Map: Categories of Disability

1. Autism

1.1. Subcategories of Pervasive Developmental Disorder

1.1.1. Autism

1.1.2. Asperger Syndrome

1.1.3. Rett Syndrome

1.1.4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

1.1.5. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

1.2. Interventions and Modifications

1.2.1. Early Intervention Counseling and training for the family Nutrition services Psychological services

1.2.2. Special Education and School Services Focus on improving communication Offer social, academic, behavioral, and daily living skills training Consistant and predictable classroom environment Case Study: Josh

2. Visual Impairment Including Blindness

2.1. Subcategories

2.1.1. Strabismus

2.1.2. Congenital Cataracts

2.1.3. Retinopathy of Prematurity

2.1.4. Retinitis Pigmentosa

2.1.5. Coloboma

2.1.6. Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

2.1.7. Cortical Visual Impairment

2.1.8. Blindness

2.2. Assistive Technology

2.2.1. Bold Markers for Writing

2.2.2. Dark-Lined Paper (Easier to See When Writing)

2.2.3. Large Print Calculator for Math Problems

2.2.4. Case Study: Mason

2.3. Special Education and School Services

2.3.1. Priority Seating

2.3.2. Notetakers

2.3.3. Readers

2.3.4. Individualized Education Plan

3. Deaf-Blindness

3.1. Assistive Technology

3.1.1. Assistive Listening Devices

3.1.2. Screen Braille Communicator

3.2. Special Education and School Services

3.2.1. Interpreters

3.2.2. Notetakers

3.2.3. Tutors

3.2.4. Readers

4. Deafness

4.1. Subcategories

4.1.1. Conductive hearing loss

4.1.2. Sensorineural hearing loss

4.1.3. Mixed Hearing Loss

4.1.4. Central Hearing Loss

4.2. Assistive Technology

4.2.1. Captioned Films/Videos

4.2.2. Jonathan Case Study

4.3. Special Education and School Services

4.3.1. Speech, Language, and Auditory Training from Specialists

4.3.2. Interpretor

4.3.3. Favorable Seating (to Facilitate Lip Reading

5. Developmental Delay

5.1. Subcategories

5.1.1. Physical development

5.1.2. Cognitive development

5.1.3. Communication development

5.1.4. Social or emotional development

5.1.5. Adaptive development

5.2. Assistive Technology

5.2.1. iPad or Android Apps to Improve Fine Motor and Cognitive Skills

5.3. Special Education and School Services

5.3.1. Notetaker

5.3.2. Individualized Education Plan

5.3.3. Visual Representation of Daily Schedule

5.3.4. Scaffolding

6. Emotional Disturbance

6.1. Subcategories

6.1.1. Anxiety Disorders

6.1.2. Bipolar Disorder

6.1.3. Conduct Disorders

6.1.4. Eating Disorders

6.1.5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

6.1.6. Psychotic Disorders

6.2. Assistive Technology

6.2.1. Behavior Chart

6.2.2. Points Sheet

6.2.3. Book of Possibilities

6.2.4. Talklight

6.2.5. Positive Reinforcement Games (iPad or Wii)

6.3. Special Education and School Services

6.3.1. Positive Behavioral Support

6.3.2. Counseling and Psychological Services

6.3.3. Individualized Education Plan

6.4. Case Studies

6.4.1. Bipolar Disorder

7. Hearing Impairment

7.1. Assistive Technology

7.1.1. Captioned Films/Videos

7.1.2. Amplification System

7.1.3. Hearing Aid

7.1.4. Case Study: Jean

7.2. Special Education and School Services

7.2.1. Priority Seating (Front of Classroom)

7.2.2. Reduce Classroom Noise

8. Intellectual Disability

8.1. Assistive Technology

8.1.1. Communication Boards

8.1.2. Communicators that Allow Students to Select Images to Express Their Thoughts

8.2. Special Education and School Services

8.2.1. Individualized Education Plan

8.2.2. Adaptive Skills Training

8.2.3. One-on-One Aide

8.2.4. Chunk Assignments

9. Multiple Disabilities

9.1. Causes

9.1.1. Chromosomal abnormalities

9.1.2. Premature birth

9.1.3. Difficulties after birth

9.1.4. Poor development of the brain or spinal cord

9.1.5. Infections

9.1.6. Genetic disorders

9.1.7. Injuries from accidents

9.2. Special Education and School Services

9.2.1. Wide Range of Abilities in this Category

9.2.2. Capitalize on Strengths of Student

9.2.3. Make Modifications Based on Abilities

9.2.4. Use a Combination of Strategies for Each Disability

10. Orthopedic Impairment

10.1. Subcategories

10.1.1. Poliomyelitis

10.1.2. Bone Tuberculosis

10.1.3. Cerebral Palsy

10.1.4. Amputations

10.1.5. Contractures (caused by fractures or burns)

10.2. Assistive Technology

10.2.1. Speech Recognition Software

10.2.2. Screen Reading Software

10.2.3. Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices (such as Communication Boards)

10.2.4. academic software packages for students with disabilities

10.2.5. Canes

10.2.6. Walkers

10.2.7. Wheelchairs

10.2.8. Specialized Chairs, Desks, and Tables

10.2.9. Case Study: Elle

10.3. Special Education and School Services

10.3.1. Physical Therapy Sessions

10.3.2. Speech and Language Development Help

10.3.3. Special Seating Arrangements to Develop Posture and Movements

10.3.4. Instruction Focused on Development of Gross and Fine Motor Skills

11. Other Health Impairment

11.1. Subcategories

11.1.1. ADD and AH/HD

11.1.2. Diabetes

11.1.3. Epilepsy

11.1.4. Heart Conditions

11.1.5. Hemophilia

11.1.6. Lead Poisoning

11.1.7. Leukemia

11.1.8. Nephritis

11.1.9. Rheumatic fever

11.1.10. Sickle Cell Anemia

11.1.11. Tourette syndrome

11.2. Assistive Technology

11.2.1. Voice Recognition Software

11.2.2. Speech to Text Software

11.2.3. Voice Recordings in Class

11.3. Special Education and School Services

11.3.1. Special Feedings

11.3.2. Clean Intermittent Catheterization

11.3.3. Medication Safely Dispensed

11.3.4. Conducting and/or Promoting Education and Skills Training for All (including the Child) who Serve as Caregivers in the School Setting.

12. Specific Learning Disability

12.1. Subcategories

12.1.1. Dyslexia

12.1.2. Dysgraphia

12.1.3. Dyscalculia

12.2. Assistive Technology

12.2.1. Recording Devices to Record Lectures

12.2.2. Speech to Text Software

12.2.3. Case Study: Joseph

12.3. Special Education and School Services

12.3.1. Chunk Large Assignments

12.3.2. Provide Both Verbal and Written Instruction

12.3.3. Organizational Skills Training

12.3.4. Individualized Education Plan

13. Speech or Language Impairment

13.1. Subcategories

13.2. Assistive Technology

13.2.1. Augmentative or Alternative Communication (AAC)

13.2.2. Electronic AAC

13.2.3. First Words

13.3. Special Education and School Services

13.3.1. Meetings with Speech and Language Pathology Specialist

13.3.2. Individualized Education Plan

14. Traumatic Brain Injury

14.1. Assistive Technology

14.1.1. Talking Calendar or Clock

14.1.2. Pre-Recorded Reminders of Routine

14.2. Special Education and School Services

14.2.1. Give Additional Time to Complete Assignments

14.2.2. Give Additional Time to Complete Assignments

14.2.3. Give Directions One Step at a Time

14.2.4. Have Consistent Classroom Routines