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JITT by Mind Map: JITT

1. Having someone who knows the community was SUPER helpful.

2. CASPER Methodology

2.1. Timing: Survey length, clusters, and drive time added difficulty

2.1.1. Going back 3 times seems like too many. Would be much easier to just survey all of the cluster rather than the confusing nth method.

2.1.2. More time to survey clusters with more then 30 houses

2.1.3. Survey length a barrier for some people to agree

2.1.4. It would have been useful to have more time

2.1.5. Account for more time for travel and mapping --> not really much time to circle back

2.1.6. I'm not sure why we had to come back at 3. Our sites were 30 minutse away so that billed a solid hour we could have been surveying (could have took a break in the community)

2.1.7. Driving to and from headquarters was difficult (lots of gas and time and stress). Preassigning addresses before hand would save time.

2.1.8. Not making so many phone calls and driving back and forth.

2.2. Apartments: Complexes added confusion and difficulty

2.2.1. Large apartment and condo buildings were tough due to restricted access

2.2.2. • Identifying which unit to survey was very difficult

2.2.3. • Apartment complexes are way too confusing and difficult to get people to answer

2.3. partner on Saturday was amazing, but she did paraphrase/provide clarity on some questions (which to my understanding, we were supposed to avoid).

2.4. Just believe more surveys would be done if we could capture surveys of people that were interested. People slept in (why we were getting refused) so today's start time was great.

2.5. Include more guidance on what to do if skipping a house on back. Trainign good, my partner was awesome. Sometimes got busy signal at HW so in apts our timing got tricky but it was not awful. Many folks didn' tseem to want to open the door :(

2.6. Some confusion as how to do cluster numbers

2.7. • Good tool for future work

2.8. Proactive Items

2.8.1. Survey clusters were so large that our N should have been calculated and addresses provided too!

2.8.2. Cluster map helped a bt to figure out the units

2.8.3. Maps should be a little clearer, boundary lines overlapped streets/hard to see

2.8.4. Driving to and from headquarters was difficult (lots of gas and time and stress). Preassigning addresses before hand would save time.

3. • Living my best life <3

4. • I am so proud of my colleagues and how much work they put into setting up this whole event. I hope tomorrow will be more successful!

5. • Thank you! I learned to much and you are awesome professionals!

6. Future

6.1. Checklist for debriefers to use

6.2. • Keept it to JIT, background should be done before

6.3. In next training make a note to tell people to jot down the house number or other landmark so they remember which houses to go back to (it is easier that way)

7. • Menu: Fride chiken, Mack and chees, peprone pizza, tacos, cake, ice crem (choklit)

8. Role Playing

8.1. I felt this training was well planned. We did run a little short on interview role play time

8.2. More role playing - maybe leave enough time to go through a full survey. We struggled a bit on the first one

8.3. More actual process training

8.4. Focus here some and attention on interview role play and practice.

8.5. we were talking about actual survey process. Opportunity to practice that procses would help

9. Wisconsin

9.1. Survey

9.1.1. The lengthy questions seemed difficult for individuals to understand especially if we were trying to go through the survey quickly due to time constraints.

9.1.2. Easier to understand questions. Less repetitive questions.

9.1.3. Large apartment and condo buildings were tough due to restricted access

9.1.4. Questions were really wordy and difficult for people to understand, repetitive questions.

9.1.5. Too many questinos on surveys, the introduction sheet is too timely, people just aren't interested.

9.1.6. • Some questions were confusing

10. Cultural Competency

10.1. Cultural competency went well.

10.2. Understand the importance of community competence, however in a real emergence assessment would there be time for that?

10.3. Cultural/community competence trainign should be provided to staff, separately, ?prior to cultural/community training for the general group so as to be more supportive. I think people felt "scared" to rotate with these survesy and it changed the climate.

10.4. Go through presentation with non epi ppl. Better cultural competency training

11. Safety

11.1. Safety conversation and role play did not

11.2. The phone calls felt excessive. I get the safety component, but it definitely slowed the process down. Texting? Find my friends?

12. Community Engagement

12.1. Have the community partners (16th street and UniteMKE) co-present. Less breaks during the just-in-time training

13. Miscleaneous

13.1. Loved knowledge checks

13.2. Everything was well prepared, but people are busy or not confident.

13.3. More practice time

13.3.1. Also, provide survey text with more specifics of clusters and teammates sooner.

13.4. Give clusters first, I just kept wanting to know that which made it difficult to concentrate

13.4.1. Survey team should receive their clusters prior to community competence

13.5. Have a meet and greet ahead of time of health staff and community member to get to know each other

13.6. Have the training divided more from the surveyor training. It was nice to know the overall information, but did not need the granular information.

13.7. Self-learner prefer online training