WEB 2.0
by three fairies
1. Open source
1.1. oswd
1.2. moodle.com
1.3. Sakai
1.4. SourceForge.net
2. Web as a Platform
2.1. Zoho (Work.Online)
2.2. AirSet
2.3. yackpack
2.4. Google (Docs & Spreadsheet)
3. Tools
3.1. Picasa
3.2. Googles
4. Blogs
4.1. Blogger
4.2. Teacher Blogger
4.3. Student Blogger
4.4. Audio Blog
5. casting
5.1. podcasting
5.2. G cast
5.3. videocast
6. Mashup
6.1. google maps
6.2. flkri
6.3. youthtube
6.4. amazon
6.5. virtual Earth
6.6. eBay
6.7. 411Sync
6.8. YahooMaps
6.9. Yahoo
6.10. Google
7. ... and some great ideas too!
8. Social respositories
8.1. You tube
8.2. Filckr
8.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)
8.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)
8.2.3. ENTER to add siblings
8.2.4. DEL to delete