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Hercule Poirot by Mind Map: Hercule Poirot

1. American Woman

1.1. Loud

1.2. Always talks about her daughter

1.3. claims the murderer was in her room

1.4. found an attendant's button in room

2. Hungarian couple

2.1. both claim to be asleep during crime

2.2. neither saw nor heard anyhing

2.3. grease stain on passport?

3. German Woman

4. M. Bouc

4.1. friend of Poirot

4.2. believes a woman is the murderer

4.3. also that the Italian is a main suspect

5. Princess Dragomiroff

5.1. Old

5.2. Very ugly

5.3. demanding

5.4. Had relation to the Armsrong's

6. Dr. Constantine

7. Edward Masterrman

7.1. valet to Ratchett

7.2. last saw him at 9pm

7.3. appeared happy that his boss was dead and the kidnapper

8. evidence

8.1. button

8.2. dressing gown cloth

8.3. note

9. Mary Debenham

9.1. British

9.2. Nanny

9.3. On way to England

10. Colonel Arbuthnot

10.1. Likes Mary Debenham

10.2. Retired Army

10.3. claims miss Debenham has no part

11. Hector Willard MacQueen

11.1. worked for Ratchett

11.2. knew about threat letters to his boss

11.3. did not like his boss

11.4. emotionless when informed boss was dead

12. Ratchett

12.1. American

12.2. Rich

12.3. Different eyes

12.4. Attempts to hire Poirot

12.5. Murdered

12.6. Was invloved in Armstrong case

13. dissmisive of Poirot

14. multiple murderers?

14.1. possibly a woman involved

14.2. some wounds appear to be done when victim wad dead

14.3. wounds from both left and right hand

14.4. woman and a man?