Hercule Poirot solves it all

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Hercule Poirot solves it all by Mind Map: Hercule Poirot solves it all

1. M. Bouc

1.1. old friend of Poirot

1.2. works for train company

2. Mrs. Hubbard

2.1. Loud

2.2. talks about her daughter

2.3. Claims someone was in her room.

3. German Woman

4. Swedish Woman

5. Princess Dragomiroff

5.1. ugly

5.2. rich

6. Macqueen

6.1. dislikes boss

6.2. works for Ratchett

6.3. doesn't care boss is dead

7. Ratchett killed a little girl. Her mother later died.

8. Two murder's?

9. Murder weapon is a dagger that is found in Mrs. Hubbard's bathtub.

9.1. Seems more and more like Mrs. Hubbard was the murderer.

10. Armstrong Murder

10.1. Little girl kidnapped. Huge sum of money was demanded. When she was returned she was dead. Her mother died giving birth to her second child and he father committed suicide. Mrs. Armstrong's mother was a famous actor named Linda Arden.

11. Mary Debenham

11.1. British

11.2. young

11.3. returning to England from Baghdad

12. Arbuthnot

12.1. retired Colonel

12.2. Indian (English)

13. Ratchett

13.1. rich

13.2. thinks his life is in danger

13.3. Murican

14. Count

15. Countess