Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. was i better today or yesterday BJ

1.1. because that is how u get better- Bridget Jaggar

2. I every step is a new step. Will people be greatful about your big step or will you just move on it is like getting a new job you always wanted but people don't like it or do not care.

3. I Wonder what my sentence is. EE

3.1. Keep Calm And Carry On. EE

3.2. I think that Antony should listen to this and follow this... If you do not have anything nice to say to someone don't say anything at all. EE

4. Harriet Ireland. Everyone in the class has to think about their digital footprint

4.1. H.I We have to think about our sentence and ask our selves about was I better today than yesterday?

4.1.1. H.I the sentence is a motavation H.I what we put on the web can change our lives because once it's on you can't delete it and it will bite back and it can bite hard. New node H.I by how much respect you have for the web the bigger or smaller e.g the less respect you have for the web the bigger you footprint is. H.I make shore you pics are private

5. If you start learning on a laptop, will it change the way you learn, compared to how you learn with paper and pencils and will this impact on our future? LK

5.1. i think i will Bj

5.2. What does this mean?? NB

5.3. I think It Will Impact LK

5.4. Yes, because more things in the future will be online rather than just pencil and paper

5.5. It'll improve your computer skills instead of handwriting and things like that. SP

5.6. Handwriting might become an acient art because every one would be using laptops do you think this might happen? K.M

5.6.1. Well, not really because people will still be able to do it LK But the more comen the internet gets the less comen handwritting KM

6. Was I better today than yesterday? BW

6.1. I like that. EE

7. What's my sentence? Was I better today than yesterday? (PH)

7.1. I think that he don't know that he is bullying.


9. I think that it will definitely help you improve if you ask whether you were better than yesterday. SP

9.1. I need to think what my sentence is because it looks like it has to be a good one as it will navigate your life. SP

10. One small thing on the computer could change your life so we need to be carefull!! NB

11. What's my sentence?? Drive myself with that sentence SS

12. Brittany White

12.1. Use my sentance to navigate my life, I wonder what it is? BW

12.2. On the internet you can be seen as a bully when you are really not.

12.3. I see that this person thinks that if it is on the internet then it does not matter

12.4. New node

13. Anything is possible if you stay positive NB

14. Keep calm and carry on. EE

15. What you put on the internet can change your life. SP

16. Annabel

16.1. you need to think to your self do I want to hemuliate or be happy and actully have friends Annabel

16.2. New skills in life - Annabel

16.3. be careful what you say

16.4. anything can be hurtful

16.5. I wonder why he does not think he is a bully he put somebody through something he would not want that done to himself.

16.6. anthony did not know he left a foot print on an internet site

16.7. people can link stuff in the past to there new time carrer

16.8. be carful what you say and what you put out to the puplic.

16.9. aware friends if you are taking pictures of them and you

17. Madeleine

17.1. What does this have to do with digital citizenship? MT

17.1.1. I agree with Madeleine how does all the people relate

17.2. I think that it was bullying and he made a big digital footprint that he didn't realize he would actually make.

18. If we make a website, where people put their cyberbullying problems on it and we give them advice, will it make a difference? LK

18.1. I think there is a helpline but yeah an online one would be good km

19. Bridget Jaggar i dont think he understood that it was actually boiling because it is cyberboiling

20. Does having a sentance REALLY mater?

21. What you put on the internet can really hurt people so you need to be careful. SP

22. What's My Sentence?

22.1. One little sentence could change my life being good or bad NB

22.1.1. TRUE LK

22.2. I see


22.3. I really Wonder What My Sentence is?

22.4. Grace Cocks-i see that i have to have a sentence about myself

22.4.1. On internet spaces e.g. Facebook, bebo make it private to your friends especially pictures and comments. G.C

22.4.2. Try not to get a internet talking space fullsop because even if you have it on private some one could still hack into it

22.5. What's my sentence?AT

22.6. Use your sentence to navigate your life G.C

22.7. Grace Cocks- I wonder what my sentence will be??

22.7.1. If your sentence isn't right it can change your whole life G.C

23. Mr Scurr

23.1. Will i be better tomorrow than i was today? GV

23.2. Was I better today thank i was yesterday? AT

23.3. What I better today then yesterday G.C

24. Footprint

24.1. What is my digital footprint?? G.C

24.2. any one can look at what

24.3. Will I regret what I wrote on that website?? SS

25. Grace Cocks

25.1. Am i responsible on the internet G.C

25.1.1. Make sure your pictures are responsible and

25.2. Was i better today than yesterday G.C

25.3. What is my sentence??

26. New node

27. Notes What is my sentence? Was I better Today then yesterday? EHH

27.1. I want my sentence no to be smarmy simple but deep. Like Anne Frank “I want to life long after I’m dead”. And she has, she died at like 21 and people read her dairy all around the world every day. EHH The little annex has become a museum and millions come through every year. EHH

27.1.1. That Antony caught up in all of the fun of it all and he thought nobody see the page of bulling. EHH Destiny did no think that if you have private on sites and her friend thought she had it and she hadn’t and people and seen and saved their photos!.