Life Cycle Of Animals

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Life Cycle Of Animals por Mind Map: Life Cycle Of Animals

1. 3-Stages Life Cycle

1.1. Chicken

1.1.1. Frog Cockroach Grasshopper Lives on land Eggs are laid in the soil. Nymph)A nymph looks like the adult,except that it is smaller and does not have wings. It moults several times as it grows. An adult grasshopper has wings and it can fly. Lives on land Eggs are laid in an egg case. Nymph)A nymph looks like the adult,except that it is smaller and does not have wings.It moults several times as it grows. An adult cockroach has wings and it can fly.(A nymph is very active and eats a lot.It grows a new skin and sheds the old ones. This is called moulting.)

1.1.2. Lives in water and land

1.1.3. Eggs are laid in water.Each egg has a jelly-like covering.

1.1.4. Young)A tadpole lives in water. It does not look like the adult. It has a tail and breathes through its gills.

1.1.5. An adult frog lives on land and water.It does not have a tail and gills anymore. It breathes with its lungs and skin.

1.2. Lives on land

1.3. Eggs are laid on land.Each egg had a hard shell that protects the young animal growing inside.

1.4. Young)A chick looks like the adult.

1.5. An adult chicken is able to reproduce.

2. 4-Stages Life Cycle

2.1. Butterfly

2.1.1. Mosquito Beetle Lives on land Eggs are laid on leaves. Larva)The larva of a ladybird beetle lives on plants. It eats a lot and moults several times as it grows. Pupa)A ladybird beetle larva changes into a pupa.It attaches itself to leaves and stems of plants.It stops eating and continues developing in the pupa case. An adult ladybird beetle comes out of the pupal case when its break open. It spreads its wings to dry before flying off.

2.1.2. lives on land

2.1.3. Eggs are laid in still water.

2.1.4. Larva)The larva of a mosquito is called a wriggler.It lives in water.It eats a lot and moults several times as it grows.

2.1.5. Pupa)A wriggler changes into a pupa. It lives near the water surface. It stops feeding and continues developing in the pupal case.

2.1.6. An adult mosquito comes out of the pupal case when it breaks open. It spreads its wings and waits for its wings to dry before flying off.

2.2. Lives on land

2.3. Eggs are laid on plants. Each egg is protected by a hard shell.

2.4. Larva)The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar.It lives on plants.It eats a lot and moults several times as it grows.

2.5. Pupa)A caterpillar changes into a pupa.It attaches itself to a leaf or twig.It stops feeding and continues developing in the pupa case.

2.6. An adult butterfly comes out of the pupa case when it breaks open.It spreads its wings and waits for them to dry before flying off.

3. By: Neo Hui Yi