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Keyword reserch by Mind Map: Keyword reserch

1. find seed keyword

1.1. forums

1.1.1. forum serarch

1.2. reddit

1.3. ebay and amazon

1.4. clickbank

1.5. magazine

1.6. google instant

1.7. create 50 seed keywords

2. expand seed keywords

2.1. Long tail pro find keywords

2.2. keywords criteria

2.2.1. local search volume for primary keywords 2000+

2.2.2. ad competition higer is beter

2.2.3. number of words

2.3. uber suggest

2.4. google keyword planer

2.5. sem rush

3. keyword criteria

3.1. criteria of winnig primary keyword

3.1.1. relevance

3.1.2. local monthly serch volume of 2000

3.1.3. good CPC 1 or more for ad based sites

3.1.4. high advetiser competition

3.1.5. low competition in google use KC metric to help determine difficulty

3.1.6. similar site ranking

4. types of keywords

4.1. seo keywords

4.1.1. exemple best hunting knife

4.1.2. 53 ways to make money from your website

4.1.3. good seo keyword low competion very relevant to your niche market easy to write article about it

4.2. viral keyword

4.3. google news keywords

4.4. buying