Planning for Learning - Carlos Sandoval

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Planning for Learning - Carlos Sandoval by Mind Map: Planning for Learning - Carlos Sandoval

1. PE Standard

1.1. Standard 2: Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

1.1.1. Objective: Students will execute simple offensive tactics, such as give & go to create open space.(Drills)

1.1.2. Objective Students will execute simple offensive tactics, such as give & go to create open space.(Drills) Students will be able to apply the basic concept of “give and go” as well as utilize the concept during a game situation.

2. Physical Education for 8th Grade

3. Big Idea

3.1. Students should be able to perform dribbling with left hand and right hand, layups, chest pass and bounce pass

3.2. Students should be able to find the open space when playing basketball.

4. Scaffolding strategies

4.1. Dribbling

4.1.1. I do - I will explain the exercises and demonstrate how to do dribble using only the finger when dribbling and not the whole palm. Students will dribble in place, right hand and left hand.

4.1.2. You do - Student will dribble with movement right hand and left hand (first looking at the ball, then without looking at the ball)

4.1.3. We do - Students will work on partners when they do not have to look the ball, their partner will be checking that they are looking at the basketball

4.1.4. You do alone - Students will have a race dribbling doing a eight figure using right hand and left hand when dribbling

4.2. Chest and bounce pass

4.2.1. I do - I will explain and demonstrate how to do the correct passes. The first thing is that students need to do when they receive the ball is place their hands each side and slightly behind the ball, with their fingers comfortably spread. The ball should be held in front of the chest with the elbows tucked in. Maintaining a balanced stance with feet shoulder width apart is also important when trying to control the pass. The next stage is to locate the target, but try not to look directly at it, as this would make it easier for opponents to read and intercept the pass. Maybe introduce a fake pass or look in another direction before passing to try and deceive a defender. The next phase is executing the chest pass, here players need to step in the direction of the pass, through extending their legs, back, and arms, this will create the majority of the power needed. The wrist and fingers should then be forced through the ball to create more power, and help guide the ball to the target. Make sure the ball is released off the first and second fingers of both hands, and follow through to finish up with the arms fully extended, fingers pointing at the target and palms facing the floor.

4.2.2. We do - With partners the student do 20 chest passes in a row without dropping the ball, and then 30 passes bounce passes.

4.2.3. You do - With partners students will perform the exercise 2 in line, chest passes and the bounce passes.

4.3. Layups

4.3.1. I do - I will explain and demonstrate how to do the layups Lay ups are often taken off of a running dribble. Practice approaching the basket slowly at first, and increase your speed once you've got the footwork down. When you're just a few feet from the basket, take a step toward it with our right foot. Use this step to gain distance and position yourself within easy shooting range. Dribble the ball one last time just outside your right foot. As soon as your left foot lands, use it to jump in the direction of the basket. Your body should be moving toward the basket, but don't lean forward. Ideally, you'll be positioned close enough to the basket that you can jump straight up to take your shot. As you jump, bring the ball out of the dribble to your chest to prepare for the shot. Shoot with your right arm as you lift your right leg.

4.3.2. You do - Each student have to perform the correct technique for the lay up 10 times, individually

4.3.3. We do - Students will be divided in groups and as a group the have to score 20 layups, I will select one captain who is the one with better skills, that student will be in charge of helping the students in his/her group to perform the lay up correctly.

4.3.4. You do it alone - Contest in group each member of the team should score 4 baskets. (Differentiation strategy- In this class I have 4 ELL’s students, one of the he has a low proficiency in english, so after I explain the exercise I let some other student explain him the exercise or drill)

4.4. 5 outside

4.4.1. I do - I will explain the concepts to perform the give and go applying it in a offence. It is a basic offensive play in which a player simply passes (gives) to a teammate and cuts (goes) to the basket, attempting to break free of his defender and expecting a return pass from his teammate. In case that of not return pass the player has to move to an open space already mark on the field.

4.4.2. We do - With the help of some students we will demonstrate the offence to the class. For those students who are having difficulties applying the concept will “shadow” other students during the exercise. This will help them to have a better understanding of the dynamic of the offence and it will give them time to observe and analyze the offence.

4.4.3. You do it - Students will be working in teams, and perform the offence. They will have to complete 10 passes and then score.

5. The key factors about your students

5.1. Some of the students in this class are very into sports and some are part of the school teams. other group is not very interest in sports. All of them have incredible communication skills, that's why I think that the we do part specially in this class is really important, because they take the time to explain the exercise to those students who are having difficulties performing any drill or any exercise. In other groups this strategy works perfect, due to some student take really well the feedback from the teacher and those students who are willing to teach them as well.
