How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace?

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How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace? by Mind Map: How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace?

1. Reparations

1.1. Reparations commision

1.1.1. £6,600 million 42 years

1.2. Payment for damage

1.3. Keep Germany weak

2. Loss of land

2.1. German colonies

2.2. Alsace & Lorraine

2.2.1. Undermine German victory

2.3. Danzig

2.3.1. Free city

2.4. Poland restored

3. War Guilt

3.1. Clause 231

3.2. Diktat

4. Strengths

4.1. New counties

4.1.1. Stop communism

4.2. Brought peace

4.2.1. (Short lived)

4.3. League of Nations

5. Leaders (PPC)

5.1. Georges Clemenceau (France)

5.1.1. Extreme

5.1.2. Revenge Punish Germany BIG reparations

5.2. David Lloyd George (Britain)

5.2.1. Moderate

5.2.2. Need Trade Strong Germany =Strong UK

5.2.3. Keep Germans happy

5.3. Woodrow Wilson (USA)

5.3.1. Idealist

5.3.2. Lost less No more war

6. Military restrictions

6.1. Army

6.1.1. 100,000 men

6.1.2. No tanks

6.1.3. No aircraft

6.2. Navy

6.2.1. No submarines

6.2.2. 6 battle ships

6.2.3. 15,000 men

6.3. Rhineland demilitarised

7. Paris Peace Conference

7.1. Jan 1919

7.2. Defeated parties no invited

7.2.1. Russia

7.2.2. Germany