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Autism by Mind Map: Autism

1. Statistics and Studies

1.1. Occur in all races, ethnic, but 4 to 5 times more likely in boys then in girls. Needs more studying though

1.2. Approximately 13% have developmental dissorders

1.3. Economic costs about 3.2 million

2. 3 Impairments

2.1. Verbal and Non-verbal Comunication

2.1.1. Delay or lack of learning to talk

2.1.2. Hard to start and to keep conversations going

2.1.3. Tends to repeat something they heard before over and over

2.2. Social Interactions

2.2.1. Hard to develop nonverbal skills

2.2.2. Non development of friendships with same age children

2.2.3. Lack of empathy

2.3. Repetitive Behaviors

2.3.1. tend to focus on parts of toy rather then entire object

2.3.2. Fascinated with certain topics

2.3.3. Needs a routine

3. Diagnosing

3.1. Behavioral Assessments

3.2. Developmental Assessments

3.3. Communication Assessments

3.4. Blood work can not diagnose