Unit 2: Relationships

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Unit 2: Relationships by Mind Map: Unit 2: Relationships

1. I/ Type of relationships

1.1. 1. Family relationships

1.1.1. Nuclear family

1.1.2. Extended family

1.1.3. Single parent family

1.2. 2. Friendship

1.2.1. Normal friends

1.2.2. Best friends

1.2.3. Internet friends, pen pal

1.3. 3. Romantic relationships

1.3.1. Lover

1.3.2. Spouse

2. IV/ How to build a relationship

2.1. 3 simple step

2.1.1. 1. Start a conversation

2.1.2. 2. Make connection

2.1.3. 3. Stay in contact

2.2. Tips

2.2.1. 1. Remember Name

2.2.2. 2. Eye contact and smile

2.2.3. 3. Be a good listener

2.2.4. 4. Study people culture

3. II/ Benefits of a good relationships

3.1. 1. Family relationships

3.1.1. Place where you belong to

3.1.2. Supportive

3.1.3. Caring

3.1.4. Always there for you

3.2. 2. Friendship

3.2.1. Make you feel needed

3.2.2. Friend can push you to do better

3.2.3. You can always count on a friend

3.3. 3. Romantic relationships

3.3.1. Who you can turn to and share secret

3.3.2. Connect to you emotionaly

3.3.3. Help you get through challenges of life

4. III/ Some bad relationships

4.1. Student romantic relationship

4.1.1. Emotionaly unstable, first experience Emotional breakdown

4.1.2. Distraction from Relationship Unable to study

4.1.3. Want to be respect, seen like adult Conflict with parent

4.2. Unhealthy relationships

4.2.1. Forced

4.2.2. Blame and judgement

4.2.3. Fear

4.2.4. Stress

4.2.5. ...

4.3. Enemy relationships

4.3.1. An enemy will Bad mouth Do harm Cause conflict

5. V/ How to fix a relationships

5.1. 1. Recognizes the problem

5.2. 2. Talk it out, fix it together

5.3. 3. Ask for help