Mind Map

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Mind Map by Mind Map: Mind Map

1. Final presentation 5/9/16

2. Outcome= Overall smooth communication within the company

3. Romain

3.1. Appeal to Consumer Demographic

3.2. Read Sales Reports

3.3. Inventory

3.4. Outcome= To have a grasp on our product status

4. Jacob

4.1. Update Mind Map/ Utilize software as needed

4.2. Schedule Meetings

4.3. Marketing Strategy

4.3.1. Constant

4.3.2. Outcome= To have success in sales

4.3.3. Check on company status at all times

5. Grace

5.1. Budget Allocations

5.2. Monitor Financial Progress

5.3. Pricing

6. Megi

6.1. Monitor Company Progress

6.1.1. Milestones

6.2. Write Strategic Plans

6.2.1. Outcome= Have Orginization

6.2.2. Company Overview

6.3. Distribute Responsibilties

6.3.1. Constant

7. Final individual projects due weekend before presentation

8. Quarter 2 decisions Wednesday deadline 2/24/16