Jesse Ernest Wilkins JR

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Jesse Ernest Wilkins JR by Mind Map: Jesse Ernest Wilkins JR

1. Personal life

1.1. He was born in 1923. He was born in Chicago. His parents names were Jesse Ernest Wilkins Sr, and Lucile Robinson Wilkins. His father and mother were successful in their lives. He went to college at 13. At 17, he got an A.B. in math. At 19 he got a Ph.D in math. Later on he got a bachelor and master degree in mechanical engineering.

2. Types of math

2.1. He worked in nuclear physics. Nuclear physics talkes about atomic energy. The most common part of this is the generation of nuclear power.

3. Affect on our People

3.1. He was the seventh black person to get a Ph.D in Mathematics. He was the second black person to be named to the National Academy of Engineering.