Michel van Schaik - Diagnose 2025 presentatie

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Michel van Schaik - Diagnose 2025 presentatie by Mind Map: Michel van Schaik - Diagnose 2025 presentatie

1. Scenarios

1.1. Virus scenario

1.1.1. macro economical

1.1.2. political

1.2. Chronical illness scenario

1.2.1. macro economical

1.2.2. political

1.3. "breuk" scenario

1.3.1. macro economical

1.3.2. political

2. Healthcare costs

2.1. expenses will double

3. Good news

3.1. Healthcare is a growing market

4. Conclusions

4.1. Growing expenses >>> growth of economy

4.2. It's not IF politicians will intervene but how and when

4.3. Political leadership is needed to build a public debate

4.3.1. actors in healthcare need to take responsibility

4.4. All actors need to show leadership for "creative destruction" of all agendas in order to create value for patients

5. Report Summary

5.1. http://www.rabobank.nl/images/samenvatting_van_diagnose_2025_29266133.pdf?ra_resize=yes&ra_width=800&ra_height=600&ra_toolbar=yes&ra_locationbar=yes