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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Mastery of Skills

2. Expressing different points of view

3. Knowledge measurement

4. Performance

5. Essays

6. Interviews

7. Demonstrations

8. Potfolios

9. Rubrics

10. Observation

11. Teacher created test

12. Understanding check up

13. Skills

14. Abilities

15. Problem Solving

16. Ability to use information

17. Standardized Tests

18. Higher Order Thinking Skills

19. Comprehension

20. Performance

21. Self/Peer Evaluation

22. Types

22.1. Summative

22.2. Formative

23. Purpose

24. Performance Tasks

25. Data colletion

25.1. Data for review, reflection, and making modifications

25.2. Show parents evidence of student learning and development

26. Evidence of learning

27. Reflection

28. Ability to work independently