1. Armstrong Household
2. Good Connections
2.1. Jobs
2.2. Marrage
2.3. Family
2.4. Good relationships
3. Hector William Macqueen
3.1. American
3.2. Says Ratchett got some threatening letters
4. Natalia Dragomiroff
4.1. Ugly
4.2. Russian Princess
4.3. Intellegent
4.4. Naturalized French Citizen
4.5. Godmother of Sonia Armstrong
5. Caroline Hubbard
5.1. American
5.2. Always talking about her daughter
5.3. Has "Vurry" important information for Poirot
6. Antonio Foscarelli
6.1. Italian
6.2. Has been to and from America
7. Valet
7.1. English
7.2. Drugged Ratchett?
8. Cyrus Hardman
8.1. American
8.2. American Detective
8.3. Works for McNeils's Detective Agency in New York
9. Hildegrade Schmidt
9.1. German
9.2. Works for Princess Dragomiroff as a maid
10. Count Andrenyi
10.1. Works for the Hungarian Embassey
10.2. Hungarian
11. Elena Andrenyi
11.1. Traveling with her husband
11.2. Hungarian Countess
11.3. Drinks sleeping draught at night
11.4. Has a grease spot on her passport
12. Daisy Armstrong
12.1. Child of Colonel Armstrong and Sonia Armstrong
12.2. Kidnapped and killed by Cassetti
13. Sonia Armstrong
13.1. God-daughter of Dragomiroff
13.2. Died in childbirth
14. Greta Ohlsson
14.1. Swedish
15. Shared a table together when the train first started traveling.
16. Map Legend
16.1. Important Stuff
16.2. Dead People
16.2.1. Only when there is a person's name
16.3. People
16.4. Clues
16.5. Information / Facts
16.6. Connections
16.7. End of evidence / clue trail
17. Bad Connectiions
17.1. Murder
17.2. Bad relationships
18. Clue Connections
18.1. Clues to the mystery
19. Connections through groups
19.1. This means that people are connected through something they did or are doing.
19.2. The other connections are a part of this group because they are connections.
20. Americans / Affiliations with America
21. Social Connections
21.1. Identity changes
22. A scrap of this paper had the words "member little Daisy Armstrong."
22.1. This paper probably was a threat to Ratchett, and had the words "remember little Daisy Armstrong."
23. The train had 14 passengers.
23.1. We know as a fact that 2 of the 14 passengers could not have done it.
23.1.1. Those 2 passengers are Poirot and Ratchett. That leaves 12 passengers. Ratchett was stabbed 12 times.
24. Mary Debenham
24.1. English
25. Colonel Arbuthnot
25.1. English
26. Samuel Edward Ratchett
26.1. Rich
26.2. Employer of Macqueen
26.3. Suspicious and untrustworthy to other people
26.4. As a gangster, his gang kidnapped and killed Daisy Armstrong
26.5. American
26.6. When he was a gangster, his gang kidnapped Daisy Armstrong and killed her.
27. M. Bouc
27.1. Thinks the Italian did it
27.1.1. "And from there on M. Bouc's thoughts went along a well-worn course which they had already traversed some hundred times."
28. Doctor Constantine
28.1. Greek
29. Suspect(s)
29.1. Suspect 1
29.2. Suspect 2
29.3. Used a match from the train to burn a paper
30. Dead Ratchett
30.1. Stabbed 12 times
30.1.1. At least 3 of the stabs were fatal. 2 of the fatal stabs were given when Ratchett was already dead. Someone came and stabbed Ratchett when he was dead.
30.1.2. 1 or 2 of the stabs were like scratches. They weren't fatal.
30.1.3. Some of the stabs were done right-handed, while other stabs were done left-handed. Two people were involved in the murder of Ratchett. One was right-handed. The other was left-handed. At least two people, anyways
30.2. Had sleeping draught at the night he was murdered
30.2.1. Drugged? By who?
30.3. Drugged
31. Hercule Poirot
32. Cassetti
33. Colonel Armstrong
33.1. Shot himself after his wife died in childbirth
34. Reason for killing Cassetti, A.K.A Ratchett
34.1. Revenge of the murder of Daisy Armstrong?
35. They have connections with the Armstrongs
36. Known suspect
36.1. Has womanish voice, but seems to be a man.
36.2. COULD BE made up.
36.3. Wore a Wagon Lit Uniform
37. People working to solve the crime
38. The facts about the murder:
38.1. Ratchett
38.1.1. Murdered Stabbed 12 times
38.1.2. Drugged The Valet says that Ratchett asked for some sleeping draught Ratchett had a revolver under his pillow, so he was intending to be alert that night He was heavily drugged by the sleeping draught. Poirot was awoken from his sleep when he heard Ratchett cried out loudly.