Hercule poirot solves it all

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Hercule poirot solves it all by Mind Map: Hercule poirot solves it all

1. Mary Debenham

1.1. British

1.2. On her way back to europe from iraq

1.3. Kind of rude in her interview

1.4. Acted like she knew nothing

1.5. Suspected to have planned it

2. col Arburthnot

2.1. Likes mary Debenham

2.2. Retired army

2.3. smoked a pipe

3. dismissive of poirot

4. Princess Dragonmiroff

4.1. UGLY

4.2. Old

4.3. personal friend of the armstrongs

4.4. god mother to armstrong girl

4.5. they think she lied during her interview

4.6. hankercheif was hers

5. Mrs. Hubbord

5.1. only talks about her daughter

5.2. got excited to talk about the murder

5.3. Murder was in her compartment

5.4. She thought a man was in her room that night

5.5. found a button on the floor in her room

5.6. bloody knife found in her bag

6. Murderer of ratchett

6.1. Women?

6.1.1. right handed multiple people saw her pass their door and never return

6.1.2. Women was wearing a scarlet kimono

6.2. Man?

6.2.1. Multiple people

6.3. Had a broken watch that told the exact time of the murder

6.4. had a button that fell off

6.5. didnt sleep all night

7. Ratchett

7.1. Gets murdered

7.2. American

7.3. rich

7.4. real name is cassetti

7.5. was in a gang and was in charge of many kidnaps and the murder of little daisy armstrong

8. Wagon lit conductor

8.1. found rathchetts dead body

8.2. Brings people water etc.

9. M. Bouc

9.1. Friend of poirot

9.2. works for train company

9.3. speaks his mind very quickly

9.4. helping with the murder case

10. Mr. Masterman

10.1. The valet

11. M. MacQueen

11.1. Was up that night

12. pierre Michel

12.1. Accused of dopping button

12.2. french

13. German maid

13.1. ran into someone on the train

14. mr. hardmman

14.1. new york detective

15. german lady

15.1. the conductors clothes were hidden in her compartment

16. Poirot

16.1. Detective solving the case

16.2. scarlet kimono was left in his room

17. countess

17.1. helena goldeberg is her real name

17.2. daugh sister f mrs. armstrong