Traveling Nannies

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Traveling Nannies by Mind Map: Traveling Nannies

1. Join Our Team

1.1. A place for women and men interested in more information regarding joining our team.

1.1.1. Google Form: Basic info/Why they're interested/What brought them here

2. Stories

2.1. The Stories page will include past experiences, from both nannies and parents, possibly children.

2.1.1. Social Media: Links to a blog where our team can post about travels, as well to our twitter page.

3. Home

3.1. Home page will give a brief overview of Traveling Nannies, including our start up. It will include the most important information and include eye catching visuals that will encourage visitors to continue exploring our site.

3.1.1. Logo: I will include the Traveling Nannies logo on all pages of the site.

3.1.2. Photo Editing: I will use photo editing to enhance images of travel and/or blur out the faces of children to protect identity.

3.1.3. Video Project: I will build a video or animation that introduces some of the team and gives an overview of our offerings

4. Let's Book a Trip

4.1. This page will offer initial forms for interested families.

4.1.1. Google Form: Parents/Families can fill out a form with their planned travel dates/child info/nanny needs so that options can be explored pre-contact.

5. About

5.1. Meet Our Nannies: A profile for each of the nannies available on our team.

5.1.1. Graphic Design/QR code: I will create a flyer that gives a general overview of Traveling Nannies. This flyer could also be printed and offered to schools/dance studios/travel agencies.

6. Contact

6.1. The Contact page will offer basic contact information so that visitors to the site can contact Traveling Nannies with questions/comments they may have.

6.1.1. App protoype: Will create an app protoype that allows users to find nannies in their area of travel OR to travel with them from their home.

7. What We Offer

7.1. The Services page will offer A list with descriptions of the different nanny services available through our company.

7.1.1. Piktochart: I will create an infographic that displays the services TravelingNannies offers to parents/families.

7.1.2. Screencast: I will create a screencast to show visitors how to submit their Nanny Request forms.