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Types of Testing by Mind Map: Types of Testing

1. By Level/Component isolation

1.1. Component / Unit

1.2. Integration

1.3. System/ End-2-End

1.4. Acceptance

2. Driven by Goal

2.1. Functional

2.1.1. Installation/Updating

2.1.2. Feature

2.1.3. Security and Access Control

2.1.4. Business Cycle

2.2. Non-functional

2.2.1. UI

2.2.2. Performance/ Load

2.2.3. Stress

2.2.4. Configuration

2.2.5. Security

2.2.6. Localisation

2.2.7. Usability

2.2.8. Failure and Recovery

3. By the basis of positive scenario

3.1. Positive

3.2. Negative

4. By Degree of prepataion

4.1. Ad-hoc

4.2. Formal (by documentation)

5. By Time

5.1. Beta

5.2. Alpha

6. By Knowledge of the system

6.1. Grey-box

6.2. White-box

6.3. Black-box

7. By Degree of Automation

7.1. Manual

7.2. Automation

7.3. Semi-Automation

8. Driven By Changes

8.1. Smoke

8.2. Sanity

8.3. Regression

8.4. Risk Area