Difficulties with sticking to your training program

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Difficulties with sticking to your training program by Mind Map: Difficulties with sticking to your training program

1. Bad Attitude

1.1. Not liking your workout

1.2. Struggling with your workout

1.3. Finding it boring

2. Mental

2.1. Self Doubt

2.2. Lack of self confidence

2.3. Being self conscious

2.4. Lack of motivation

2.5. Distractions

2.6. Lack of inspration

3. Time Management Issues

3.1. Other commitments

3.1.1. School work eg. Assessment tasks

3.1.2. Sporting activities

3.1.3. Friends

3.1.4. Family

3.1.5. Events eg. Festivals, Parties

3.1.6. Work

4. Physical

4.1. Fatigue

4.2. Laziness

4.3. Injury

4.4. Stress

5. Goals

5.1. Not having set goals

5.2. Not having realistic goals

5.3. Not having simple goals

5.4. Being worried to push yourself