Raspberry PI setup

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Raspberry PI setup by Mind Map: Raspberry PI setup

1. YouTube tutorial

1.1. Joe Mike Terranella

1.2. Thomas Sanladerer

2. Download Win32DiskImager

2.1. link

3. Download OctoPi image

3.1. link

3.2. if you get zip file unzip it

4. Win32DiskImager

4.1. Open

4.2. Load OctoPi image file

4.3. Insert empty SD card

4.3.1. >=4Gb

4.4. Set SD card location

4.5. Write

5. Download program PuTTy

5.1. link

6. Explorer

6.1. Open SD card

6.2. Open file octopi-network.txt

6.2.1. VR2

6.3. Set your WiFi name and password

6.4. Remove three # signs

6.5. Save

7. Raspberry PI

7.1. Insert SD card

7.2. Connect 3D printer with USB cable

7.3. Connect WebCam if you have one with USB cable

7.4. Connect power over microUSB

8. cmd

8.1. open cmd

8.2. write: ping octopi.local

8.3. if Pi is connected to local WiFi we get response

9. Download program Angry IP Scanner

9.1. download program

9.2. Find out IP address

9.3. my data

9.3.1. my address http://octopi.local http://dlinkrouter.local./

9.3.2. mypass S...Tpi a.....3

10. WiFi communication

10.1. Files explorer

10.2. 2

10.3. 3

11. PuTTy

11.1. Open

11.2. Host name: octopi.local

11.3. Connect: Open

11.3.1. POZOR Če se ne poveže takoj, malo počakaj, da se Raspberry postavi.

11.4. Accept Raspberry PI encription

11.5. default username: pi

11.6. default password: raspberry

11.7. Change password

11.7.1. command: passwd

11.7.2. enter current password: raspberry

11.7.3. enter new password

11.8. Expand filesystem

11.8.1. command: sudo raspi-config

11.8.2. select: Expand filesystem

11.8.3. select: Finish

11.8.4. select: Yes

12. Chrome/Firefox

12.1. http://octopi.local

12.2. opozorilo

12.3. set new username and password

12.4. select: Keep access control enabled

12.5. login with username and password

12.6. Update if possible