Module 2 : Implementing CSR

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Module 2 : Implementing CSR by Mind Map: Module 2 : Implementing CSR

1. Examples of CSR activities in other industries

1.1. Proximus

1.2. Engie

1.3. Spadel

1.4. Michelin

2. Adopting a step-by-step approach

2.1. * CSR implementation by Prof. Maon *

2.2. * CSR implementation by Sabine Denis (The Shift) *

2.3. * CSR implementation: some recommendations *

3. Tools and guidelines

3.1. * Added value and limits of ISO26 000 *

4. Key success factors

4.1. * Key success factors for a CSR strategy *

4.2. * Implementing CSR successfully - Summary*

5. Obstacles and common mistakes

5.1. * List of obstacles *

5.2. * Common mistakes *

6. Stakeholder dialogue

6.1. * The crucial role of stakeholder dialogue *

6.2. * Stakeholder dialogue: difficulties *

6.3. * Recommendations *

6.4. Examples

6.4.1. Dialogue with employees

6.4.2. Dialogue with WWF

6.4.3. Dialogue with Proximus

6.4.4. Dialogue at McCain

6.4.5. Dialogue at Gerdau and Vale

6.5. *Stakeholder dialogue -Summary *

7. The Nestlé case

7.1. Main motivations

7.2. Perceived benefits

7.2.1. For Nestlé

7.2.2. For Nestlé's employees

7.3. Key success factors

7.4. Main obstacles

7.5. Main mistakes

7.6. Stakeholder dialogue

7.7. Fresh and chilled food

7.7.1. General information

7.7.2. Key learnings

7.8. Infant food formula

7.8.1. General information

7.8.2. Key learnings

7.9. Good Food, Good Life (Dieticians)

7.9.1. General information

7.9.2. Key learninfs

8. Company's motivations and potential benefits

8.1. * Companies' motivations *

8.2. Potential benefits

8.2.1. * Related to employees *

8.2.2. * Related to consumers *

8.2.3. * Others *

8.3. * The CSR business case*

9. Conclusion

9.1. *Conclusion and teaser*