Great Salt Lake

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Great Salt Lake by Mind Map: Great Salt Lake

1. What is unusual about swimming in it?

1.1. When you swim in the Great Salt Lake you just float with no effort.

1.2. Since the lake’s salinity levels are relatively high, and human body’s are 70% water, it gives us the power to float on water. Salty water, that is.

1.3. when you swim you float because of the high sanity.

2. Is the salt the same salt we use at home?

2.1. I think so?

2.2. No it's not table salt it's the salt we use for water softeners and icy roads

2.3. The salt in the lake is not the same salt as the table salt we use at home. It could be, but only if it was put through "costly" processing.

3. Additional facts

3.1. The lowest depth of the lake is 40 feet.

3.2. The Great Salt Lake is the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River.

3.3. Its water volume is 15,338,693.6 acre-ft.

3.4. The Great Salt Lake is the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River.

3.5. Its average depth is 16 ft.

3.6. The dead sea is the only thing that has more salt

3.7. A solitary Chileon flamingo named Pink Floyd after the English rockband , wintered at the Great Salt Lake. He escaped from Salt Lake Cities Tracy Aviary in 1987, and lived in the wild, eating brine shrimp and socializing with gulls and swans.

3.8. People say that a half horse half crocodile ate two men who ran from it on the lake's shore

3.9. this lake has more salt than the ocean.

3.10. The lake is referred to as America's Dead Sea.

3.11. its 5 x saltyer than some oceans

3.12. Utah makes about 1.3 billion dollars from it!

3.13. the lake's max depth is about 35 feet deep.

3.14. In the great salt lake US Geographers discovered some of the highest levels of methyl-mercury they had ever seen, at 25 nanograms per liter of water.

3.15. Each year, the number of islands on the lake changes with the rise and fall of water levels.

3.16. Most of the locals don't actually enjoy swimming in the lake.

3.17. 17 islands on The Great Salt Lake have been officially named, including Antelope Island, Stansbury Island and Fremont Island.

4. What is it?

4.1. The Great Salt Lake (formerly known as Lake Bonneville) is a 74.56 mile long and 27.96 mile wide lake in northern Utah. Near it are the city Salt Lake City and Ogden.

4.1.1. its the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere its also the fourth largest terminal lake in the world

4.2. Great Salt Lake is the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere and it has a city named after it.

4.3. The great salt lake is the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere

5. Where is it?

5.1. The Great Salt Lake is located at 41.1667 N, 112.5833 W. It is located north west of Salt Lake City and south east of Ogden in Utah.

5.1.1. Dang it Wesley.

5.2. The Great Salt Lake is located in the northern part of U.S. state Utah, or 41.20937, -112.5679E.

5.3. The Great Salt Lake is located in Ohio

5.3.1. I got in Utah.

5.3.2. yeah. I thought it was in Utah. Ms. schneider even said it herself.

5.4. The Great Salt lake is in Northern Utah about 460 miles from the Pacific ocean.

6. How salty is the lake?

6.1. The lake has an average of 4.5 to 4.9 billion tons of salt in it.

6.2. It has very high salinity, far saltier than seawater, and its mineral content is constantly increasing.

6.3. It depends on the elevation, the salt level is 5% to 27% (3.5% for the ocean, and 33.7% for the Dead Sea.

6.4. The Great Salt Lake’s salinity level has gone from just less than 5% Where is it? Great Salt Lake is located at 41.1667 N, 112.5833 W. It is located north west of Salt Lake City and south east of Ogden in Utah. o about 28%, which is well above sea level! Just 5% is higher than sea level already!

6.5. The lake has 6 billion tons of salt.

6.6. It is far saltier than any ocean salt.

6.7. The total amount of salt dissolved in the Great Salt Lake is about 4.5 to 4.9 billion tons.The total amount of salt dissolved in the Great Salt Lake is about 4.5 to 4.9 billion tons.