Why to people have gambling problems

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Why to people have gambling problems by Mind Map: Why to people have gambling problems

1. Types of Gambling

1.1. There are many types of gambling. There is online gambling, card games, dice games, and you can even gamble with items inside of a game.

2. Gambling Origins

2.1. Gambling has been around for a very long time, there is a legend that exists that around 1000 A.D. The King of Norway and King of Sweden settled a dispute of a dice game.

3. Problems of Gambling

3.1. Often times gambling leads to large amounts of money loss.

3.2. Gambling can lead to losing connections to your family.

4. Brains of Gamblers

4.1. Studies have shown that gambling is almost as bad as doing drugs to the brain.

5. Addictive Gambling

5.1. Just like trying to stop drugs, once you have become addicted to gambling, it is hard to. People who try to stop gambling will go through almost the same withdrawals as stopping drugs.

5.2. The most addictive type of gambling is electronic gambling.

6. Reasons of Gambling

6.1. People tend to get an adrenaline rush when they gamble, they like the feeling of the rush so they continue to gamble, which causes them to get addicted to gambling.

6.2. People just want to win money so badly they keep spending their own money.

7. Gambling

7.1. Gambling is using real money on games trying to gain more money. Often times you come out with nothing or little. If you win though you can gain a lot of profit.

7.2. Gambling is an addictive game that can lead people to ruin their lives.

8. Family Effects

8.1. Gambling can cause families to stop being with each other, or it can stop them from having money.

8.2. It could cause a family to lose their house or car.

9. Public Law

9.1. Public laws have made it where you can't gamble at a certain age. This can slow down gambling, but there are so many types of gambling anyone could gamble.

9.2. The government has passed a law that doesn't let banks fund online gambling sites.

10. Internet Gambling

10.1. Internet gambling is really common now. It is the easiest gambling to get to.

10.2. Internet gambling, because it is really common, makes it easier for younger kids to gamble even if it is illegal for them.

10.3. Games can help influence gambling for kids, games can have in-game items that are rare and people try to trade them or gamble them to get rarer items.

11. Pros of Gambling

11.1. Gambling can help the economy and government gain money.

11.2. Gambling can open up casinos which open up jobs for people.