How has feminism impacted society and pop culture today?

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How has feminism impacted society and pop culture today? by Mind Map: How has feminism impacted society and pop culture today?

1. You can be a feminist in many different ways.

1.1. If you think women’s voices are as important as men’s, and that both sexes deserve equal opportunity, you are a feminist.

1.1.1. Destinations

1.2. If you believe that women (and men) should be able and encouraged to fulfill their highest potential, you are a feminist

1.3. Fighting for female equality, like most things, can be done in 1,000 different ways

2. What is feminism?

2.1. the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

2.2. Feminism has helped blur the lines between the masculine and the feminine, allowing men to have feminine qualities, and furthering fluidity of identity

3. Anybody could be a feminist.

3.1. Feminism sought equality between men and women, not a superior feminist scheme

3.2. Not all women are feminists, not all feminists are women, and not all feminists are analogous.

4. Feminist protests

4.1. It shows how even though some people got brutally hurt protesting, they still showed what they believed in.

4.2. It is about fairness and understanding.

5. Effect of feminism

5.1. The work of women activist and feminist have helped women to have confidence in themselves.

5.2. The empowerment of women has given women confidence. Women no longer, are looked down upon in society as being “un capable”

5.3. Finally, it is about giving women the recognition they deserve, appreciating them as equal members of society and giving them a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

6. equal pay for all genders

6.1. Some believe that women have already won the war for equality and that no more battles are necessary; however, for many women – in America and around the world – the war has just begun.

6.2. Another current feminist issue is equal pay and the treatment of working women

7. the "perfect body"

7.1. One study showed that 70 per cent of girls under 7 say they want to be thinner, for example, with the average British woman worrying about their body every 15 minutes

7.2. the media does a lot to perpetuate unhelpful stereotypes, and culprits range from Weetabix (whose sexist ad implies your lad can be a superhero but your daughter can’t), to Unilever (skinny women aren’t "real" women and/or dark-skinned women should get paler), to fashion magazines (skinny women are the only women), to the Daily Mail (eight year old celebrates her curves in unauthorised bikini shot - hasn’t she inherited her model mother’s legs?) to the sexist scrutiny of female politicians, to the tellybox (just 18 per cent of TV presenters are women over 50), all of which have real-life implications

8. not all girls want to be housewives

8.1. But not every woman wanted to wear pearls and bring her husband his pipe and slippers when he came home from work.

8.2. The new suburban lifestyle prompted many women to leave college early and pursue the "cult of the housewife

8.3. Some women wanted careers of their own.

9. Christianity on feminism

9.1. Men and women have a God-given privilege to fulfill the plan He has set for us.

9.2. It is sin in the heart that causes inequality

9.3. If men and women would walk in obedience to God’s Word, radical feminism would be seen for what it is, and the harmony that God has ordained between men and women would result.