Technology Integration

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Technology Integration by Mind Map: Technology Integration

1. SMARTBoards

1.1. Allows the teacher to do examples on the board and not worry about taking the time to erase the whole thing to start a new example

1.2. Presenting something on a large screen for everyone to see

1.3. A great free time reward would be allowing the student to draw on the board for a period of time

1.4. Games like Kahoot allow for students to interact with the SMARTBoard along with the teacher knowing if they are participating or not

2. Phones

2.1. Keeps students interacted when their phones are allowed to be used

2.2. There are many apps that allow you to connect your phone with a survey or possibly a quiz a teacher has given

2.2.1. This allows instant feedback

2.3. Recording a lecture so that students are able to look back on how it was taught

2.4. Evernote allows students to instant message their teachers/peers and get instant feedback on homework help

3. Tablets

3.1. Learning games for students

3.2. Quizlet

3.2.1. There are ways to study pre-made flashcards

3.3. Evernote allows students to take notes on these digitally and they will not get lost

3.3.1. The teacher can see what notes they have taken

3.4. They can be used to download online books

3.4.1. The books are never lost or torn up

4. Chromebooks

4.1. Using computers at home

4.2. Doing online activites in class

4.2.1. Can work together or independently

4.3. Easy ways for teachers to access a student's files rather than losing papers

4.4. They are a much quicker way to take notes in a class

4.4.1. Students are more likely to be quicker at typing than writing a bunch of notes down