How are video games changing lives?

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How are video games changing lives? by Mind Map: How are video games changing lives?

1. Negative affects of videogames

1.1. Video games cause lack of sleep.

1.1.1. The amount of hours you play can affect how you behave in real life.

1.2. games can get addicting easily.

1.2.1. can affect how you do in school. can give exhaustion because of lack of sleep.

2. Conclusion

2.1. Things better we can do

2.2. What we talked about

2.3. What we can do to change

3. increase in gamers aggression levels by 4% after violent video games.

3.1. aggression depends on family background most of the time.

4. other facts

4.1. hildren tend to show more empathy and helpfulness in their daily lives.

4.1.1. people are more prone to addiction of any kind than others, gaming or otherwise.

4.2. 97% of teens in the U.S. play video games.

4.2.1. one important factor that makes video games addictive is that rewards often are set on variable schedules.

4.3. video games are more addictive when in-game rewards are based on a leveling system.

4.3.1. Most adolescents like to spend at least part of their free time playing video games. As with any addiction, video game or "gaming" addiction is usually a multi-faceted issue.

4.4. addictive video games may allow the player to immerse him/herself in a fully realized virtual world.

4.4.1. virtual world of addictive video games continues to evolve even if the player is not online.

5. Positive affects of videogames

5.1. improve strategizing and multi-tasking.

5.1.1. sensory stimulation improves. thicker cortical matter in two parts of the brain

5.2. video games help with things other things can’t.

5.2.1. Video games can help you learn hand-eye coordination.

6. Introduction

6.1. What they do

6.2. How they affect your personal life

6.3. How they affect people

7. Players are motivated by the extent to which different games fulfill their basic psychological needs

8. Games have been used to train people to type, to overcome phobias, develop motor skills, teach problem solving, release tension and even exercise.

9. gamers differ in their individual needs.

10. sales

10.1. domestic video game industry brings in nearly $12 billion a year.