Should Teachers Receive Merit Pay Based on Student Performance?

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Should Teachers Receive Merit Pay Based on Student Performance? by Mind Map: Should Teachers Receive Merit Pay Based on Student Performance?

1. Power Point Presentation: Section E

1.1. All three of us will get together and do the power point together!

2. Introduction to the Issue: Section A

2.1. Present a general overiview of the topic: Elissa

2.2. Discuss the importance of early childhood educators: Kristen

2.3. Present the issue's roots in historical philosophies of early childhood education: Elissa

2.4. Why has this topic become an "issue": Kirsten

2.5. What are the relevant "Systems of Influence" linked to this issue in social and political contexts? : Shenny

3. Implications for Early Childhood Education and Relevant Ethical Standards: Section D

3.1. We will each individually do this section.

4. Advocacy for One Side of the Debate: Section C

4.1. We will each individually do this section.

5. The Debate: Section B

5.1. Explain the debate: Shenny

5.2. Describe the significance to contemporary society: Kristen

5.3. Present the relevant viewpoints with 3-5 supporting statements: Shenny

5.4. Site references for each side of the debate using APA Style: Elissa, Kristen, & Shenny