How Nicholas contributed to his own downfall

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How Nicholas contributed to his own downfall by Mind Map: How Nicholas contributed to his own downfall

1. Failure to win the Russo-Japanese war

2. Bloody Sunday Massacre

3. No parliament

4. He didn't listen to the demands of the people

5. Had no military experience, yet became the military head

6. Wasn't taught how to be a ruler, lacked necessary skills

7. Tried to push industrialization instead of improving the lives of the peasants

8. Had an immense desire to rule as an autocrat

9. Lost the support of his people because he kept using brutal force instead of hearing their demands

10. Kept dissolving the Parliament which made it impossible to make proper decisions.

11. Losses in World War One caused loss of faith in the Tsar

12. War meant food shortages, increasing problems for the peasants

13. Didn't listen to his ministers and advisers

14. Ignored reality and liked ministers who told him what he wanted to hear