21st Century Knowledge and Skills

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21st Century Knowledge and Skills by Mind Map: 21st Century Knowledge and Skills

1. publish

1.1. Novels

1.2. blog

1.2.1. articles

1.2.2. school sports

2. travel

2.1. read

2.2. write

2.2.1. edit research

3. learn

3.1. rhetoric

3.1.1. be personable solve problems critically think

3.2. global thinking

4. Solve Problems

4.1. Use information

4.2. Communicate

5. Know HOW to find information

5.1. realiable vs unrealiable

6. comunnicate effectively, collaborate, problem solve, read with understanding

6.1. New node

7. working with team skills

8. Think critically to solve problems in many ways

9. self assessing

10. Collaborate with others to solve complex, real-world problems

10.1. Know how to use information

11. Journaling via technology

12. Intinsically motivated

13. collaborate

13.1. Through Technology

13.2. In Person

14. communicate- orally and in writing

14.1. critical thinking