Foundations of education

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Foundations of education by Mind Map: Foundations of education

1. The politics of educations

1.1. Conservate

1.2. Liberal

1.2.1. Believes free market if not regulated causes abuse to poor and oppressed .government ensures equality. balance of productive and needs . Progressive view role of schooling : schooling is central to solving social problems, as a vehicle for social mobility, as essential to the potential, and an integral part of a democratic society. Steady progress to make things better. educational policy and reform polices should combine a concern for quality for all students with equality of opportunity for all. This is sometimes referred to as quality with equality Policies should lead to the improvement of failing schools, especially urban schools. such as programs should include school base management and teacher empowerment and public school choice programs. programs should enhance equality of opportunity for disadvantaged group groups, including head start, affirmative action programs, compensatory higher education programs and so forth A curriculum should balance the presentation of the traditions of western civilization with treatment of others groups within the culturally diverse society. a balance should be a maintained between setting acceptable performances standards and ensuring that all students can meet them

1.3. Radical

1.4. Neo- liberal

2. The history of education

2.1. There is little consensus on the motives for school reform

2.2. From its very inception, the school was changed with assuming roles that once were the province of family, church, and community

2.3. Historical interpretation

2.3.1. The school continues to server as a focal point in larger issues of societal needs

2.4. school reform

2.4.1. common education, basic math reading and writing skills that all should be allowed to learn

2.4.2. Equality of opportunity

2.4.3. progressive evolution

3. the sociology of education

3.1. The relation between school and society

3.1.1. functional theories: Interdependence of social system , education is ever changing to , schooling teaches care values (morals)that are important for society

3.1.2. conflict theories :social order is based of the ability of dominant groups to impose their will on subordinate groups. School is a social battle field , student s against teachers , teachers against administrators. Education is s status symbol

3.1.3. Interactional theories. must look at school as a whole. l

3.1.4. effects of school Employment , education leads to better jobs Knowledge and attitudes : allows students to obtain knowledge . Social Mobility