Cognitive Complexity/ Environmental Science Scenario

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Cognitive Complexity/ Environmental Science Scenario by Mind Map: Cognitive Complexity/ Environmental Science Scenario

1. Level 4 Integrating / Bloom's Evaluate Level

1.1. Students are debating which options are best

1.2. A Prezi is prepared to present ideas

1.3. Students generate questions and identify ways to make schools more "green" based on criteria

2. Ways to Raise Cognitive Complexity

2.1. Students design a new eco friendly school with latest innovations using Green Building software for students at

2.2. Plan a study that analyzes the environmental impact and the financials of creating a new Eco-Friendly school or renovating existing structure.

3. New Level of Cognitive Complexity

3.1. Level 5 Specilaizing /Bloom's Create Level

3.1.1. Collaboration with Environmental experts and Architects

3.1.2. Study has positive impact nationally to utilize findings for a "green" school initiative.