Post US Civil War

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Post US Civil War by Mind Map: Post US Civil War

1. Race Relations: In the United States

1.1. Jim Crow Laws: it started before the war and was enforced until 1965. Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation of blacks in the south

1.2. Manifest Destiny: Removal of Native Americans on native land in the US and expand the US territory

1.3. Immigration Role in the Racial Construction: The Unjustice of Immigrant Catholic Mexicans because mexicans were immigrating to the US in hopes of finding jobs to support themselves and their families.

1.4. The FDA helped minority groups afford to buy homes in the South with little taxes and loan interests

2. Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed by Lyndon B Johnson

2.1. Prohibits anyone/thing that denies the right to vote for minority groups

2.2. Civil Rights movement helped the african american voters in the South with low poll taxes

3. Non-whites

3.1. Italians were only considered white if they did not complain about their mistreatment

3.2. Mexicans were oppressed based on their catholic beliefs and were given a hard time because they were "stealing" all of the jobs for white people

3.3. African Americans were segregated in the south because of their skin color and the whites were considered dominant over them

3.4. Jews were quickly considered white and had some of the best jobs, however had many limitations. They had professions that other jews can use like doctors and lawyers. The jews kept their own jewish people going.

3.5. Asians were unassimilatable

4. Immigration Act: Limited the amount of immigrants eligible for US Citizenship

4.1. 1917-1924: Legislative acts limited immigration to the US

4.2. 1924: Immigration Act becomes the comprehensive restriction law

5. GI Bill of Rights: was created to improve the labor force in the US and expand to non-white groups

5.1. 1944 GI Bill of Rights: created priority jobs

5.2. small loans to start a business, low interest homes, and educational benefits

5.3. Affirmative Action: disproportionately helped males of Euro-origin