16 personalities:Defender

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16 personalities:Defender by Mind Map: 16 personalities:Defender

1. Imaginative and Observant

2. Enthusiastic

3. Loyal and Hard-Working

4. Good Practical Skills

5. Overload Themselves

6. Perfectionist

7. Supportive

8. Reliable and patient

9. studies

9.1. Currently: Diploma in early childhood education and care

9.1.1. 18 months to complete

9.1.2. I want to achieve: Passing and receiving my Diploma certificate and for filling my passion in working with children.

9.2. where I wish to be after studies: Co-ordinate my own OSHC service within camp Australia company.

9.2.1. where I want to be in 1,2,3.5 years I would like to still be working with children (co-ordinating at a service or being a high profile nanny (Nanning and travelling to different countries with the family).But most of all I just want to be working with children and just to be happy.